Thanks you guys.

Fabian, I already look the capabilities of my Core2Duo, unfortunaletely it
dont support VT.

At the time I'm using the second strategy: Using a Core2Duo as a Front-End
and release all
resources of the server to be use by cloud.
I choose this option because it is more close to the proposal of official
OpenNebula Documentation.
I hope it works now!

So I use one of my servers (With VT) as a Image Repository too.

And now I have a little more question:

With a NFS server configured. I have the Image Repository sharing its
directory /var/lib/one. My doubt is:
- Have I to insert the shared directory in the file /etc/fstab on all my
nodes? So the node already have this directory avaiable when the machine
- Or Haven't I to do this? Does the directory only be mount when it is
necessary? (sudo mount ...)

And, if I edit the /etc/fstab, Do I have to do this in the node
ImageRepository+Cluster at the same time? I hope not, because the directory
is on the machine

Thanks for the help.


Matheus Torquato

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Fabian Wenk <> wrote:

> Hello Matheus
> On 23.11.2011 12:39, matheus tor4 wrote:
>> I have only two servers (With VT) and two Core2Duo (Without VT). I want to
>> build a little private cloud.
> I have a system with Core2Duo CPU which does support VT, so I am not sure
> if this is not available for all Core2Duo CPUs or not, but check out [1],
> this could probably help you to enable VT on this systems (if available)
> too.
>  [1]**X86_virtualization#Intel_**
> virtualization_.28VT-x.29<>
> Else as pointed out in a other recent post to this mailing list, you could
> use XEN on this two systems without VT, but then you are limited to
> paravirtualization. As far as I know, the guest OS in the VM needs to
> support this.
>  My doubt is the following:
>> - Can I use a server as Front-End +  Image Repository + Cluster at the
>> same
>> time?
> You can, I have running the front end and the cluster node on a single
> system. When adding the "local" cluster node, I used 'onehost create
> localhost im_kvm vmm_kvm tm_nfs'. Also adding the other systems as cluster
> nodes will be possible.
>  - Or, It's more advantageous use a Core2Duo as a Front-End and release all
>> resources of the server to be use by cloud?
> This depends on the usage of the OpenNebula cloud as a whole. On a rather
> small installation, it is probably not a problem to use the front end also
> as a cluster node.
> bye
> Fabian
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