Problem solved!!!

Look this

After the change run $ sudo dpkg --configure opennebula.

Then voilà, I finished the installation.

I go now to basic configuration!

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:32 AM, matheus tor4 <> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I got a lot of erros when I use front-end separate of image repository.
> Front-end needs write on shared directory /var/lib/one, and the ownership
> of the folder belongs to local user.
> So, I use only two servers to build the Cloud.
> One as Front-end + Image Repository + Node
> And other as Node.
> But, I'm in serious trouble now.
> When I attempted install the .deb package a got this error:
> Selecionando pacote previamente n�o selecionado opennebula.
> (Lendo banco de dados ... 71268 ficheiros e direct�rios actualmente
> instalados.)
> Desempacotando opennebula (de opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb) ...
> Configurando opennebula (3.0.0-1) ...
> Alerta: o diret�rio pessoal que voc� especificou /var/lib/one j� existe.
> Adicionando usu�rio de sistema `oneadmin' (UID 107) ...
> Adicionando novo grupo `oneadmin' (GID 118) ...
> Adicionando novo usu�rio `oneadmin' (UID 107) ao grupo `oneadmin' ...
> Diret�rio home /var/lib/one j� existe.  N�o copiando de /etc/skel
> adduser: Alerta: O diret�rio pessoal `/var/lib/one'  n�o pertence ao
> usu�rio que voc� est� criando.
> Generating public/private rsa key pair.
> Your identification has been saved in /var/lib/one/.ssh/id_rsa.
> Your public key has been saved in /var/lib/one/.ssh/
> The key fingerprint is:
> 79:b8:f2:7b:9c:a8:2c:40:d0:b5:23:ef:62:ae:51:d5
> oneadmin@PacsOnCloud-FrontEnd
> The key's randomart image is:
> +--[ RSA 2048]----+
> | . ..            |
> |. .  o           |
> | .. + E          |
> |  .+ .   o       |
> | .. .   S .      |
> | ...     o       |
> |. o.. . .o .     |
> | + ... o. +      |
> |...  .o.oo       |
> +-----------------+
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/opennebula.postinst: 43: cannot create /.one/one_auth:
> Directory nonexistent
> dpkg: erro processando opennebula (--install):
>  sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de sa�da
> de erro 2
> Processando gatilhos para ureadahead ...
> Processando gatilhos para man-db ...
> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>  opennebula
> (It is on Brazilian Portuguese, I'm sorry!)
> The most important message is:
> *
> *
> */var/lib/dpkg/info/opennebula.postinst: 43: cannot create
> /.one/one_auth: Directory nonexistent*
> *
> *
> Google says nothing for me.
> Already install all the dependecies packages, using this steps:
> $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient16 libsqlite3-ruby genisoimage ruby
> g++  scons libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev
> And I downloaded this packages bellow, and installed manually. When I try
> to install the opennebula .deb package at the first time It ask for these
> packages.
> $ sudo dpkg -i libxmlrpc-core-c3_1.06.27-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb
> $ sudo dpkg -i libxmlrpc-c3_1.06.27-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb
> Now I don't know what to do to solve this question.
> Is it better install by building source?
> Does anyone get this error message before?
> Is it about permissions?
> I'm counting on you guys.
> Very thanks for all the help;
> Best regards,
> Matheus
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:56 PM, davood ghatreh 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've worked on Centos and have no idea about Debian based installation,
>> but I think you need to share /var/lib/one, because there are some other
>> files/folders than images which are being used. for example,
>> /var/lib/one/.one/ is the path to authentication files, which servers
>> should see in a shared storage model to login without being asked for
>> password.
>> Thanks
>> Davood
>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:48 AM, matheus tor4 <>wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I'm here again.
>>> I choosed to use .deb package instalation instead build source code.
>>> But, when I execute  $ sudo dpkg -i opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb
>>> I get this error message:
>>> Desempacotando opennebula (de opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb) ...
>>> dpkg: erro processando opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb (--install):
>>>  erro estabelecendo posse de '/var/lib/one/remotes.dpkg-new': Opera��o
>>> n�o permitida
>>> Processando gatilhos para ureadahead ...
>>> Processando gatilhos para man-db ...
>>> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>>>  opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb
>>> (Sorry, it is in brazilian portuguese)
>>> Summarizing  we got a error like:
>>> dpkg: error processing opennebula_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb (- install):
>>>   error setting ownership of '/ var / lib / one / remotes.dpkg-new':
>>> Operation not allowed
>>> I'm not so sure, but I believe that occurs because the shared file
>>> system. As all the files have a different owner, the front-end cannot write
>>> anything in this directory.
>>> So, the question is:
>>> Have I wich to share only the directory /var/lib/one/images, or the
>>> whole /var/lib/one?
>>> Does exist a file to put permissions of the shared directory?
>>> Very thanks guys.
>>> Best regards
>>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:59 AM, matheus tor4 <>wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody.
>>>> Very thanks for the help until now.
>>>> I'm using this thread to put all my doubts ok?
>>>> So, if anyone wish follow me in this adventure "Building my first
>>>> cloud", only have to look this tread to see my status at the moment.
>>>> My doubt now is:
>>>> Wich is better?
>>>> - Use .deb to install the openNebula in the hosts and in the front-end.
>>>> Remember I'm using a Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 (32bits) as Front End and using
>>>> Ubuntu Server 11.04 (64 bits) as Hosts.
>>>> - Building and compile source, because is more safer, and it is more
>>>> close to procedure shown on OpenNebula official documentation.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Matheus Torquato
>>>> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Fabian Wenk <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Matheus
>>>>> On 27.11.2011 17:49, matheus tor4 wrote:
>>>>>> At the time I'm using the second strategy: Using a Core2Duo as a
>>>>>> Front-End
>>>>>> and release all
>>>>>> resources of the server to be use by cloud.
>>>>>> I choose this option because it is more close to the proposal of
>>>>>> official
>>>>>> OpenNebula Documentation.
>>>>>> I hope it works now!
>>>>>> So I use one of my servers (With VT) as a Image Repository too.
>>>>> This is up to you, but I would keep the image repository on the front
>>>>> end or eventually on the second system without VT. So you could use the 
>>>>> two
>>>>> systems with VT as two identical cluster nodes.
>>>>>  And now I have a little more question:
>>>>>> With a NFS server configured. I have the Image Repository sharing its
>>>>>> directory /var/lib/one. My doubt is:
>>>>>> - Have I to insert the shared directory in the file /etc/fstab on all
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> nodes? So the node already have this directory avaiable when the
>>>>>> machine
>>>>>> starts.
>>>>> Yes, and also on the front end.
>>>>>  - Or Haven't I to do this? Does the directory only be mount when it is
>>>>>> necessary? (sudo mount ...)
>>>>> It needs to be already mounted when OpenNebula will deploy a VM.
>>>>>  And, if I edit the /etc/fstab, Do I have to do this in the node
>>>>>> ImageRepository+Cluster at the same time? I hope not, because the
>>>>>> directory
>>>>>> is on the machine
>>>>> I am not sure about OpenNebula 3.0, but with 2.2 the image repository
>>>>> and also the VM_DIR folder need to be mounted in the same path as they are
>>>>> on the front end.
>>>>> bye
>>>>> Fabian
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