Are you using a client incompatible with websockets (ex. Internet Explorer?).
On 3.0 I have the same problem but in that case isn't a used feature.

On 01/06/2012 09:06, Jhon Masschelein wrote:

Has something changed in 3.4.1 that makes this no longer work?

We're running 3.2.1 behind a lighttpd ssl proxy and the noVNC consoles work (almost) perfectly for us...



On 05/31/2012 11:00 PM, Hector Sanjuan wrote:

bad news: noVNC uses websockets to open a connection to a tcp port on
the sunstone frontend which your reverse proxy is probably not letting
through. Actually, this port depends on the VM ID that you are
connecting to (proxy_base_port + vm_id), so as things are now there is
no straightforward way that you can get Sunstone VNC working with a
reverse proxy solution unless you take care of proxying a wide range of
ports, or find a way to let the connections through directly to them.

good news: We realised of this limitation and this will be changed for
the next release as part of The
idea is that we run a single websockets proxy instance on a single fixed

So im afraid you just need to wait some weeks,


En Thu, 31 May 2012 21:51:48 +0200, Alberto Zuin - Liste
<> escribió:

Hello all,
I'm setting up a new cloud (little, but this time it's mine ;-) with
OpenNebula 3.4.1.
Sunstone works like a charm when connecting directly on port 9869, but
I want using Lighttpd for ssl proxy. In this situation there is a
problem using NoVNC web console: when I click on the icon, appear the
popup on the bottom but no console.
No error in lighttpd log and in sunstone log.
Any suggestions?

Alberto Zuin
via Mare, 36/A
36030 Lugo di Vicenza (VI)
P.I. 04310790284
Tel. +39.0499271575
Fax. +39.0492106654
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