Quoting Daniel Molina (dmol...@opennebula.org):
> Did you modify the ''/etc/one/sunstone-views/user.yaml'' file, could you
> check the content of this file and its permissions?
You are awesome. I did change that file (change logo definition) and for
some reason something went wrong merging changes for that file from 4.2 -> 4.4.
An opennebula-sunstone re-install (without modifications) works like a
charm. At least with "sinatra" as backend. If I use passenger I'm able
to login ... dashboard screen gets loaded ... and then I'm warped back
to the login page. Same config files (sunstone-server.conf etc.). No
errors are logged in apache/passenger error log. This behaviour is the
same for oneadmin user and unpriviliged users. 

Any hints on this one?



Passenger conf:

<IfModule mod_passenger.c>
  PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini
  PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/bin/ruby
  PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 1
  PassengerHighPerformance on # on or off doesn't make a difference
  PassengerFriendlyErrorPages off
  PassengerLogLevel 2
  PassengerUser oneadmin
  PassengerGroup oneadmin

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