Thanks for the output.
There is an issue that has been created for this

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Den Cowboy <> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, here it is:
> oc get template logging-fluentd-template -o yaml
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: Template
> labels:
>   component: fluentd
>   logging-infra: fluentd
>   provider: openshift
> metadata:
>   annotations:
>     description: 'Template for logging fluentd deployment. Currently uses
> terrible
>       kludge to restrict to one per node. TODO: adapt for daemon
> controller'
>     tags: infrastructure
>   creationTimestamp: 2016-03-21T12:29:19Z
>   labels:
>     logging-infra: fluentd
>   name: logging-fluentd-template
>   namespace: logging
>   resourceVersion: "1324825"
>   selfLink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/logging/templates/logging-fluentd-template
>   uid: 8881b226-ef60-11e5-8bd6-063a4b8395a3
> objects:
> - apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
>   kind: DaemonSet
>   metadata:
>     labels:
>       component: fluentd
>       provider: openshift
>     name: logging-fluentd
>   spec:
>     selector:
>       matchLabels:
>         component: fluentd
>         provider: openshift
>     template:
>       metadata:
>         labels:
>           component: fluentd
>           provider: openshift
>         name: fluentd-elasticsearch
>       spec:
>         containers:
>         - env:
>           - name: K8S_HOST_URL
>             value: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
>           - name: ES_HOST
>             value: logging-es
>           - name: ES_PORT
>             value: "9200"
>           - name: ES_CLIENT_CERT
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
>           - name: ES_CLIENT_KEY
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/key
>           - name: ES_CA
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
>           - name: OPS_HOST
>             value: logging-es
>           - name: OPS_PORT
>             value: "9200"
>           - name: OPS_CLIENT_CERT
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
>           - name: OPS_CLIENT_KEY
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/key
>           - name: OPS_CA
>             value: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
>           - name: ES_COPY
>             value: "false"
>           - name: ES_COPY_HOST
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_PORT
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_SCHEME
>             value: https
>           - name: ES_COPY_CLIENT_CERT
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_CLIENT_KEY
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_CA
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_USERNAME
>             value: ""
>           - name: ES_COPY_PASSWORD
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_HOST
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_PORT
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_SCHEME
>             value: https
>           - name: OPS_COPY_CLIENT_CERT
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_CLIENT_KEY
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_CA
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_USERNAME
>             value: ""
>           - name: OPS_COPY_PASSWORD
>             value: ""
>           image:
>           imagePullPolicy: Always
>           name: fluentd-elasticsearch
>           resources:
>             limits:
>               cpu: 100m
>           volumeMounts:
>           - mountPath: /var/log
>             name: varlog
>           - mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
>             name: varlibdockercontainers
>             readOnly: true
>           - mountPath: /etc/fluent/keys
>             name: certs
>             readOnly: true
>           - mountPath: /etc/docker-hostname
>             name: dockerhostname
>             readOnly: true
>         serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-fluentd
>         volumes:
>         - hostPath:
>             path: /var/log
>           name: varlog
>         - hostPath:
>             path: /var/lib/docker/containers
>           name: varlibdockercontainers
>         - name: certs
>           secret:
>             secretName: logging-fluentd
>         - hostPath:
>             path: /etc/hostname
>           name: dockerhostname
>     updateStrategy:
>       rollingUpdate:
>         minReadySeconds: 600
>       type: RollingUpdate
> ------------------------------
> From:
> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 09:30:03 -0500
> Subject: Re: Set up logging: Kibana
> To:
> CC:
> It looks like its failing to process the fluentd template for some reason.
> Can you send the output from 'oc get template logging-fluentd-template -o
> yaml' ?
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 7:31 AM, Den Cowboy <> wrote:
> Some logs: the pod returns fails (after executing oc process
> logging-deployer-template -n openshift ...
> (Re-)Creating deployed objects
> No resources found
> + oc process logging-support-pre-template
> + oc create -f -
> serviceaccount "aggregated-logging-kibana" created
> serviceaccount "aggregated-logging-elasticsearch" created
> serviceaccount "aggregated-logging-fluentd" created
> serviceaccount "aggregated-logging-curator" created
> service "logging-es" created
> service "logging-es-cluster" created
> service "logging-es-ops" created
> service "logging-es-ops-cluster" created
> service "logging-kibana" created
> service "logging-kibana-ops" created
> + oc delete dc,rc,pod --selector logging-infra=curator
> No resources found
> + oc delete dc,rc,pod --selector logging-infra=kibana
> No resources found
> + oc delete dc,rc,pod --selector logging-infra=fluentd
> No resources found
> + oc delete dc,rc,pod --selector logging-infra=elasticsearch
> No resources found
> + (( n=0 ))
> + (( n<1 ))
> + oc process logging-es-template
> + oc create -f -
> deploymentconfig "logging-es-6jldefop" created
> + (( n++ ))
> + (( n<1 ))
> + oc process logging-fluentd-template
> + oc create -f -
> json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type string
> ------------------------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Set up logging: Kibana
> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:22:01 +0000
> I try to set up the logging system of Kibana:
> I'm able to perform the steps till
> oc process logging-deployer-template -n openshift \
>            -v 
>  \
>            | oc create -f -
> This creates a deploymentpod an it creates some services + 2 pods (logging-es 
> and logging-es-cluster).
> Then I perform:
> oc process logging-support-template | oc create -f -
> This creates the following:
> oauthclient "kibana-proxy" created
> route "kibana" created
> route "kibana-ops" created
> imagestream "logging-auth-proxy" created
> imagestream "logging-elasticsearch" created
> imagestream "logging-fluentd" created
> imagestream "logging-kibana" created
> imagestream "logging-curator" created
> But I seem to miss deploymentconfigs? I'm unable to scale my fluentd or 
> Kibana.
> Ps: the documentation is also a bit confusing at:
> $ oc policy add-role-to-user edit \
>             system:serviceaccount:default:logging-deployer
> Because it's using project default instead of project logging (like in the 
> other steps).
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Eric Wolinetz

Red Hat Engineering | OpenShift
IRC: ewolinetz
C: (847) 641-0143
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