The mechanism to do that would be a deployment pre-hook or a pod
precondition (via init container, coming in the next release.

On May 25, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Skarbek, John <> wrote:

Good Morning,

Is there some concept of parenting, or timing, or simply ordering of items
when building a template configuration? Specifically around first time

I’ve got a multi service application, where the head honcho service
requires prior services to be up and running. Thus far, I’ve modified the
start script for the images to simply do a check and wait then repeat for a
long time. I worry as I continue this, it’ll end up hurting us in the long

I’m wondering if I can tell the template that app B depends on app A, such
that it’ll wait to deploy app B until after the deploy and readiness checks
are complete on app A.

John Skarbek

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