I am not able to start openshift, I tried three different ways.

1. Windows 7 + Virtual Box + Ubuntu
oc cluster up works well. I went to console and launched nodejs-ex example. Console shows it is up, however when I click on route, it says "unable to connect". I tried going directly to POD's IP address and it does work. In other words, somehow load balancer was failing in virtualbox Ubuntu VM.

2. Then I moved on to AWS. I launched a RedHat image and installed docker and started openshift. Here, OC starts on private IP address, so I am not able to access it from public internet. I even tried oc cluster up --public-hostname='my ip address' but since the public ip address is some magic, oc is not able to detect etcd etc and fails.

3. Then I tried on google cloud. I faced exactly same issue as AWS.

If any one of them works, I will be ok but no idea how to get past these issues.

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