
On 8 July 2017 at 21:45, G. Jones <misterjonest...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve got an Origin 1.5 environment where, during an outage with my nodes,
> pods got relocated to my masters fairly randomly. I need to clean it up and
> get the pods back where I want them but have not yet found a way to do
> this. The only way I see to move pods between nodes is to scale to two
> replicas, mark one node as unschedulable and evacuate to the other node,
> then scale down to one. Is there a way to move single or multiple pods
> between nodes?
> ​
If you don't want any PODs on the masters, why not making them
unschedulable​? Having the masters acting as a node in the event of
failures sounds fragile to me (a POD could potentially consume all
resources on the master and thus causing cluster wide instability).


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