I'm very interested in this as well, as I'd like to use it in classes I'm
teaching on OpenShift.

Let's keep a very strict separation between types of traffic.  There's the
traffic between nodes (kubelet,) master API servers, and components such as
logging and metrics.  That's on the *.internal domain managed by the SkyDNS
server on the masters.  The ansible variables
openshift_master_ca_certificates, and the playbooks redeploy-openshift-ca just
updates the CA certs on the masters, while redeploy-certificates.yml updates
everything, event the routers. So great care must be taken in using ansible
to manage your routers.  I think "Let's Encrypt" is less useful for all
this private traffic, as OpenShift will accept self-signed certs, as long
as it can sign them itself or with a provided CA or intermediary key.

Then there's public traffic managed under different DNS services for the
API, Routers, and other possible apps.  THOSE are the places were I think
we'd be most interested in Let's Encrypt.

Further thoughts?

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Tim Dudgeon <tdudgeon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's interesting, and a very different approach to what I was
> anticipating using the Ansible playbooks.
> Any thoughts from anyone on what is the best approach for this?
> Any other approaches/experiences on how to handle this important issue?
> Tim
> On 25/08/2017 17:09, Tomas Nozicka wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> there is a controller to take care about generating and renewing Let's
>> Encrypt certificates for you.
>> https://github.com/tnozicka/openshift-acme
>> That said it won't generate it for masters but you can expose master
>> API using Route and certificate for that Route would be fully managed
>> by openshift-acme.
>> Further integrations might be possible in future but this is how you
>> can get it done now.
>> Regards,
>> Tomas
>> On Fri, 2017-08-25 at 16:27 +0100, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>> Does anyone have any experience on how best to use Let' Encrypt
>>> certificates for an OpenShift Origin cluster?
>>> In once sense this is simple. The Ansible installer can be specified
>>> to
>>> use this custom certificate and key to sign all the certificates it
>>> generates, and doing so ensures you don't get the dreaded "This site
>>> is
>>> insecure" messages from your browser. And there is a playbook for
>>> updating certificates (which is essential as Let' Encrypt
>>> certificates
>>> are short lived) so this must be automated.
>>> But how best to set this up and automate the certificate generation
>>> and
>>> renewal?
>>> Let's assume Ansible is being run from a separate machine that is
>>> not
>>> part of the cluster and needs to deploy those custom certificates to
>>> the
>>> master(s). The certificate needs to be present on the ansible
>>> machine
>>> but needs to apply to the master(s) (or load balancer?). So you
>>> can't
>>> just generate the certificate on the ansible machine (e.g. using
>>> --standalone option for certbot) as it would not be for the right
>>> machine.
>>> Similarly it doesn't seem right to request and update the
>>> certificates
>>> on the master (which master in the case of multiple masters?), and
>>> those
>>> certificates need to be present on the ansible machine.
>>> Seems like the answer might be to run a process on the ansible
>>> machine
>>> that requests the certificates using the webroot plugin and in doing
>>> so
>>> places the magical key that is used to verify ownership of the
>>> domain
>>> under the https://your.site.com/.well-known/acme-challenge location?
>>> But
>>> how to go about doing this? Ports 80 and 443 seem to be in use on
>>> the
>>> cluster, but not serving up any particular content. How to place the
>>> content there?
>>> I'm hoping others have already needed to handle this problem and can
>>> point to some best practice.
>>> Thanks
>>> Tim
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Judd Maltin
T: 917-882-1270
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