On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Tim Dudgeon <tdudgeon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm hitting a number of issues with installing logging and metrics on
> Origin 3.7.
> This is using Centos7 hosts, the release-3.7 branch of openshift-ansible
> and NFS for persistent storage.
> I first do a minimal deploy with logging and metrics turned off.
> This goes fine. On the NFS server I see various volumes exported under
> /exports for logging, metrics, prometheus, even thought these are not
> deployed, but that's fine,  they are there if they become needed.
> As epxected there are no PVs related to metrics and logging.
> So I try to install metrics. I add this to the inventory file:
> openshift_metrics_install_metrics=true
> openshift_metrics_storage_kind=nfs
> openshift_metrics_storage_access_modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
> openshift_metrics_storage_nfs_directory=/exports
> openshift_metrics_storage_nfs_options='*(rw,root_squash)'
> openshift_metrics_storage_volume_name=metrics
> openshift_metrics_storage_volume_size=10Gi
> openshift_metrics_storage_labels={'storage': 'metrics'}
> and run:
> ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/by
> o/openshift-cluster/openshift-metrics.yml
> All seems to install OK, but metrics can't start, and it turns out that no
> PV is created so the PVC needed by Casandra can't be satisfied.
> So I manually create the PV using this definition:
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: PersistentVolume
> metadata:
>   name: metrics-pv
>   labels:
>     storage: metrics
> spec:
>   capacity:
>     storage: 10Gi
>   accessModes:
>     - ReadWriteOnce
>   persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
>   nfs:
>     path: /exports/metrics
>     server: nfsserver
> Now the PVC is satisfied and metrics can be started (though pods may need
> to be bounced because they have timed out).
> ISSUE 1: why does the metrics PV not get created?
> So now on to trying to install logging. The approach is similar. Add this
> to the inventory file:
> openshift_logging_install_logging=true
> openshift_logging_storage_kind=nfs
> openshift_logging_storage_access_modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
> openshift_logging_storage_nfs_directory=/exports
> openshift_logging_storage_nfs_options='*(rw,root_squash)'
> openshift_logging_storage_volume_name=logging
> openshift_logging_storage_volume_size=10Gi
> openshift_logging_storage_labels={'storage': 'logging'}
> and run:
> ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/by
> o/openshift-cluster/openshift-logging.yml
> Logging installs fine, and is running fine. Kibana shows logs.
> But look at what has been installed and there are no PVs or PVs for
> logging. It seems it has  ignored the instructions to use NFS and and
> deployed using ephemeral storage.
> ISSUE 2: why does the persistence definitions get ignored?

I'm not entirely sure that under kind=nfs it's *supposed* to create a PVC.
Might just directly mount the volume.

One thing to check: did you set up a host in the [nfs] group in your

> And finally, looking at the metrics and logging images on Docker Hub there
> are none with
> v3.7.0 or v3.7 tags. The only tag related to 3.7 is v3.7.0-rc.0. For
> example look here:
> https://hub.docker.com/r/openshift/origin-metrics-hawkular-metrics/tags/
> But for other openshift components there is a v3.7.0 tag present.
> Without specifying any particular tag to use for metrics or logging it
> seems you get 'latest' installed.
> ISSUE 3: is 3.7 officially released yet (there's no docs for this here
> either: https://docs.openshift.org/index.html)?

3.7 is released. Seems like those dockerhub images (tags) got lost in the
shuffle though.
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