Hello all!

I'm setting up a recently installed Openshift Origin v3.9 and I've discovered a problem with the web-console. The environment has 2 masters: master1 and master2 and a loadbalancer, all installed via openshift-ansible.
I'm accessing the web-console UI with https://loadbalance.my.net:8443
I've noticed some problems with the login form in the webconsole, where I got some error about invalid request (attached image). On a second attempt I can login succesfully.

A second problem, maybe unrelated, is the content of the webconsole-config configmap which has:
consolePublicURL: https://master1.my.net:8443/console/
loggingPublicURL: https://....
logoutPublicURL: ''
masterPublicURL: https://master1.my.net:8443

This looks like the configuration uses only the master1. I've tried modifying the values for consolePublicURL and masterPublicURL to point to loadbalance.my.net:8443, but after pod restart I get a json response with invalid request and the console doesn't load. I've checked the master-config.yaml on both masters and it "looks" fine to me:

masterPublicURL: https://master1.my.net:8443
  assetPublicURL: https://master1.my.net:8443/console/
  masterPublicURL: https://master1.my.net:8443
  masterURL: https://loadbalance.my.net:8443
  subdomain: my.net

and the equivalent for master2.

Also, I've read through the archives and I've checked the oauthclient/openshift-web-console resource which is

apiVersion: v1
grantMethod: auto
kind: OAuthClient
  creationTimestamp: 2018-05-11T13:09:54Z
  name: openshift-web-console
  resourceVersion: "1123438"
  selfLink: /oapi/v1/oauthclients/openshift-web-console
  uid: 98c50270-551c-11e8-a51b-fa163ed601cb
- https://master1.my.net:8443/console/
- https://master2.my.net:8443/console/

Do you have any ideas about these 2 issues? Especially the second one.

Thank you for any help in advance,
Dan Pungă

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