Hi Tien,

2 ideas:
1) what happens when you define a "PassThrough" route  and do a request
including the path: "
2) VirtualHost "default_host" will (per default) have a vhost mapping
"*:80" and "*:443" .Can you remove these two during these tests, to be sure
they do not interfere?

regards Thomas

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 9:58 AM Tien Hung Nguyen <tienhng.ngu...@gmail.com>

> Hi Thomas,
> thank you for your response!
> I have tried your approach and set the host of the admin_host virtual host
> to my routers name called "
> sls-coba-was-admin-sls-coba-berlin-ffm." and pointed it
> to the ports 9043, 9060, 443, 80
> Furthermore, I have set the router to use TLS Termination "Passthrought"
> with Insecure Traffic "Redirect":
> However, the approach doesn't work and I get the following error that a
> virtualhost to handle / has not been defined.
> It seems that no virtual host could be found because the admin console
> listens only on the path /ibm/console/login.do, which I cannot set if I use
> the TLS termination passthrough.
> Therefore, I tried TLS Termination "Edge" with Insecure Traffic "Allow"
> after that in order to set the router path to "/ibm/console/login.do".
> However, when I do that, I get the 502 Bad Gateway error:
> I'm using the IBM WebSphere Application Server on OpenShift with security
> settings enabled, but using a self-signed certificate (which is the default
> settings for IBM WebSphere application server).  Therefore, the port 9443
> should be used since the connection was successful when I tried IBM
> WebSphere application server running on Docker for Windows only.
> The outputs of the oc describe commands looks at follows:
> $ oc describe routes
> Name:                   sls-coba-was-admin
> Namespace:              sls-coba-berlin-ffm
> Created:                2 days ago
> Labels:                 application=sls-coba
> Annotations:            openshift.io/host.generated=true
> Requested Host:
> sls-coba-was-admin-sls-coba-berlin-ffm.
>                           exposed on router router 2 days ago
> Path:                   /ibm/console/login.do
> TLS Termination:        edge
> Insecure Policy:        Allow
> Endpoint Port:          <all endpoint ports>
> Service:        sls-coba-was-admin
> Weight:         100 (100%)
> Endpoints:
> $ oc describe svc
> Name:              sls-coba-was-admin
> Namespace:         sls-coba-berlin-ffm
> Labels:            app=sls-coba-was
>                    application=sls-coba
> Annotations:       <none>
> Selector:          deploymentconfig=sls-coba-was
> Type:              ClusterIP
> IP:      
> Port:              <unset>  9043/TCP
> TargetPort:        9043/TCP
> Endpoints:
> Session Affinity:  None
> Events:            <none>
> Is there any other solution to resolve this?
> Do I have to add the self-signed certificate from WebSphere to the
> OpenShift router?
> Is maybe the handshaking process failing because the TLS Termination
> "Edge" and the settings are not set right?
> I would be very thankful if you could help us with this problem.
> Regards,
> Tien
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