The requested memory is the only sure thing you would get. If it differ
from your memory limit, you should know that this limit is optional and not

Try setting your requested memory to 1gb

If you want openshit scheduler and/or oom to priorize that container,
consider setting your Pod limits equals to it's requests. Make sure to set
both cpu+memory values.
Alternatievly, don't set requests, only limits.
This would give your pod the "guaranteed" QoSClass, less likely to get
evicted (see oc describe pod xxx)


On Fri, Jun 7, 2019, 2:40 PM Ricardo Mendes <> wrote:

> Ola Ferry! ☺
> Thank you for your quick reply! I actually forgot to mention I had been
> over that setting actually. I tried different values but currently its left
> to this:
> cacti
> *Image:* polinux/cacti
> <http://project/issc-monitoring/browse/images/cacti> 77b07bd 429.4 MiB
> *Ports:* 80/TCP, 81/TCP, 443/TCP
> *Mount:* cacti-volume → /data read-write
> *Memory:* 250 MiB to 1500 MiB
> As I’ve worked with cacti installs with hundreds of sources and still the
> memory footprint was relatively low (around 1GB) I would assume this
> settings would suffice.
> So just to make sure, master’s memory DOES NOT influence this, right?
> (despite being 70% of 16GB)
> Best regards,
> Ricardo Mendes
> *From: *Ferry Manders <>
> *Date: *Friday, 7 June 2019 at 13:33
> *To: *Ricardo Mendes <>
> *Cc: *OpenShift Users List <>
> *Subject: *Re: Question about memory usage
> Ola,
> You probably have a default limit set on your installation or project, or
> you have a limit set in your deployment that is 512MB memory (which is
> 536,870,912 bytes)
> You could set the memory limit higher on your deployment, please take a
> look at the following doc for more information and examples :
> With Regards,
> --
> Ferry Manders
> Ricardo Mendes wrote on 07/06/2019 14:15:
> Hi all,
> I am fairly new to OpenShift and I’ve been fiddling around this past week.
> Yesterday I came across the following issue:
> While deploying an image of Cacti (Open-Source monitoring and RRD) I got
> an error of exhausted memory.
> *Fatal error*: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to
> allocate 20480 bytes) in */data/www/cacti/lib/database.php* on line *252*
> My servers memory usage is:
> Master: 70% in use
> Infra: 35% in use
> Compute/node: 20%
> I can also confirm the POD is running on the node, and Cacti has a low
> memory footprint actually, so, do I have to further increase the memory
> available on the masters??
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Ricardo Mendes
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