Found it.  It turned out to be because I hadn¹t defined the db_susbcribers
table (not to be confused with the db_subscribers table I suppose), it
didn¹t advance correctly.  I defined that approximately, and that seemed to
do the trick.  Even though there¹s nothing in it.  Odd.

- Jeff

On 3/31/09 9:58 AM, "Jeff Pyle" <> wrote:

> Adrian,
> I took a brand new Ubuntu 8.10 install and followed the CDRTool INSTALL
> directions to the letter.  The Next button on the result list and the ³Max
> results per page² option on the query page don¹t have any effect.  These are
> the same symptoms I had on a CentOS 5.2 system.
> I am doing a few things in a non-standard way.  Let me list them here; perhaps
> one of them will stand out to you as a bad idea.  Since we use CDRTool only as
> a web interface to Asterisk and Opensips CDRs (not for rating), I changed the
> database defaults to show records already normalized.  The only side effect
> I¹ve seen from this is that in-progress calls show up as if they¹re completed,
> with 00:00 duration. I can live with that.  Also, I manually populate the
> Price field of the radius record for Opensips so it shows up on the query
> result list.
> Do you have any ideas on what might cause these functions to break?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On 3/24/09 4:56 AM, "Adrian Georgescu" <> wrote:
>> Sounds like an Apache configuration problem. You may want to review the
>> installation steps related to Apache, maybe this helps.
>> Adrian
>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:25 AM, Jeff Pyle wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> When I run a CDR query in CDRTool, regardless of how many results I tell it
>>> to display it always shows me 15.  Once those 15 are up, the ³Next² link at
>>> the bottom simply reloads the first screen I¹m already looking at.
>>> It wasn¹t always like this on my system.  At some point in the past it used
>>> to work.  I¹m not sure when it stopped working, or what I may have done to
>>> cause it.  Any thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff
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