Thanks for the input folks!

> thats very big project., for that you need to study the system indepth both
> Opensips and Asterisk

It is more of a plan to be able to handle growth while not having so many of 
the usual growth pains that ultimately mean losing customers. We want to build 
a scalable system, starting with just two boxes of around 50 users each. 
The intent is to build something which when we need more than 50 users, we are 
not causing down time for the current users, and can easily add resources. 

> Opensips -- Registrar and Proxy and hand NAT with rtpproxy

Everything would be behind firewalls but the users phones would be on the 
public side, behind their own firewalls of course. So all servers would likely 
be NATed.

So, look into Dispatcher, Registrar and Proxy which are modules or parts of 
opensips if I recall.

> use Dispatcher to loadbalance across Asterisk PSTN Round Robin basis

This I am unclear about at this time. Everything will be SIP/IAX based, no PSTN 
lines will be used. We may have some PRI's here and there at some point but not 

> 2 Opensips ( for loadbalance registration) replicate
> 1 Mysql Server
> 3 Asterisk for PSTN  / VoIP handling

While I had not seen this, I believed that opensips would have the capabilities 
of being run redundant. I am also guessing that this could be done not only on 
one LAN but perhaps in two different locations?

Don't suppose there's an ISO installable version which could be used to get a 
better view of how things are set up.


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