Sorry I must answer on this way .. but as the list don't set the reply-to 
correctly and this usser's mail server refuses direct mails ..

Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual
--- Begin Message ---
On Tuesday 07 July 2009 20:15:01 wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jul 2009 14:02:11 -0400, Alex Balashov wrote:
> > Specific and well-parameterised questions really are the key.
> I'll certainly do that, once I start understanding the product but for now,
> I'm just trying to get a handle on basics, not deep in depth
> understandings, just enough to formulate a plan.

You should go into deep knowleadge, it's a MUST to work with a sip proxy. You 
could begin reading the "Getting starting gide" and so.

> One was asking about the viability of using opensips on ESXi. Because of
> how easy it is to use snapshots, backup and so on, this would be the best
> working environment. So my question was, does opensips have any hardware
> timing requirement issues such as asterisk does. If timing is not critical,
> as a voip server is, then opensips must run nicely in a virtual manner.

Yes, you could use it into a VM, no timming issues like Asterisk. Talking 
about backup and so ... you only need to do a backup of the .cfg file and the 
database backend you use, so you will not get any real advantage of running 
inside a VM from backup point of view.

> I don't have any numbers to work with, which is why I say scalable. I'm
> looking for something which can help me to scale a voip based application
> to many users. So let's say hundreds of users so that we have a number. I
> know many of you are running many thousands so this should be a good
> starting point.

It depends on lot of variables, like available mem, CPU power, network (the 
most important part), but also how complex is your .cfg about request 
proccessing, how do you handle database request, etc.
So there is not a magic formula, but there are sip-proxies around the world 
working with Million of users.

> This is how I would have approached this, until I started looking for a sip
> gateway/load balancer.

That's a setup, not direcly related with the software you use.

> This should be pretty straight forward to those who have pro setups and
> want as much reliability as possible. I want to have two separate locations
> so that I can fail over, simple as that really.

There are not "simple" scenarios in SIP world and faiolver is very-complex 

> >-From what I can tell, opensips could act as a pbx on it's own but it can
> > act as a proxy/load >balancer/gateway to asterisk systems as well.
> This is what I asked about in this thread a couple of times now. It's not
> fully clear to me, even after reading. It sometimes sounds like opensips
> can be a voip server though it does not provide other media services such
> as voice mail and so on. I get that it is a gateway but I'm trying to get a
> better understanding of FROM that point on.

That's because Opensips it's a proxy, not a PBX, not a B2BUA, etc., it doesn't 
manage media, so you need some "complements" to have a "full-featured VoIP 

Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual

--- End Message ---
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