On Friday 23 October 2009 11:10:48 Uwe Kastens wrote:
> Hi,
> >> Is there an option to prevent this behavior with mediaproxy?
> >>
> >> opensips: and
> >> UACs: and
> >> UAS:
> >
> > You have something wrong on you opensips.cfg, for sure ... We have lot of
> > UAC's working on that scenario you described, without any problem.
> Good to hear that.
> > Are you using the dialog module? ... if yes, take into account it
> > limitations to work with parallel forking.
> You are working not with engage_media_proxy() then?

Of course, becasue engage_media_proxy NEEDS the dialog module ... and it's a 
know limitation of dialog module that it doesn't work AT ALL with parallel 
forking, or with multiple 1XX replies.

Better if you limit your uses of the dialog module to the minimum ... let 
say ... to 0 .. ;-)

Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual

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