Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana schrieb:
> On Friday 23 October 2009 14:14:52 Uwe Kastens wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>>>> Is there an option to prevent this behavior with mediaproxy?
>>>>>> opensips: and
>>>>>> UACs: and
>>>>>> UAS:
>>>>> You have something wrong on you opensips.cfg, for sure ... We have lot
>>>>> of UAC's working on that scenario you described, without any problem.
>>>> Good to hear that.
>>>>> Are you using the dialog module? ... if yes, take into account it
>>>>> limitations to work with parallel forking.
>>>> You are working not with engage_media_proxy() then?
>>> Of course, becasue engage_media_proxy NEEDS the dialog module ... and
>>> it's a know limitation of dialog module that it doesn't work AT ALL with
>>> parallel forking, or with multiple 1XX replies.
>>> Better if you limit your uses of the dialog module to the minimum ... let
>>> say ... to 0 .. ;-)
>> At which time are you calling use_media_proxy() then? On the 1st INVITE
>> or later with the 200 OK with SDP? Is there any example out there?
> On First invite after checking if needed, on_reply for 1XX or 200 with SDP, 
> on 
> re-invites ....
> You could see and example on sipwise.com

Thanks. How would you handle parallel forking in that case? If I match
for end_media_session() on BYE the media_session is dropped if the UAS
sends the BYE for the 2nd call leg




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