Hi Bogdan,

I run the scenario again with a few destinations: two 8002 destinations and
one 8003 destination. Here's my test analysis and trace of load_balancer
module in debug=6 (Full trace is bigger than 100k. I can try to send it but
it is rejected by maillist). I hope it will help us to see what is wrong
with my configuration.

* Call is received at 10:49:40: load balancer forwards INVITE to host Host returns "100 Trying" but does not send "200 OK".
* At 10:49:44: tm timer detects that INVITE is not processed and cancels the
call. Then failure route is called and load_balancer tries to forward this
call to Host again sends "100 Trying" but does not
send "200 OK".
* At 10.49.49: tm timer again detects that INVITE is not processed and
cancels the call. Failure procedure at this point returns < 0 for 8002. So
load_balance(8003) is called. But a valid destination is not found.

Dec 22 10:49:40 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9141]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: found requested (0) resource sip
Dec 22 10:49:40 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9141]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: destination
selected for LB set with free=1 (max=1)
Dec 22 10:49:40 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9141]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: destination
selected for LB set with free=1 (max=1)
Dec 22 10:49:44 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]: load_balancer: Request from
sip:5304556...@ <sip%3a5304556...@> to
sip:8...@ failed. Re-balancing to 8002!
Dec 22 10:49:44 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: found requested (0) resource sip
Dec 22 10:49:44 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: destination
selected for LB set with free=1 (max=1)
Dec 22 10:49:44 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to remove from profile
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]: load_balancer: Request from
sip:5304556...@ <sip%3a5304556...@> to
sip:8...@ failed. Re-balancing to 8002!
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: found requested (0) resource sip
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to remove from profile
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: no destination found
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]: load_balancer: Insufficient
resource to balance request from
sip:8...@ . Re-balancing to route 4!
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: found requested (0) resource sip
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to remove from profile
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]:
DBG:load_balancer:do_load_balance: no destination found
Dec 22 10:49:49 arsipt1 /sbin/opensips[9146]: load_balancer: Insufficient
resource to balance request from
sip:8...@ . Sending error!


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <
bog...@voice-system.ro> wrote:

> Hi Taner,
> So, you have a call and you first try to do LB in group 8002 (in
> route[3]) and if failed, in group 8003.....which does not work properly
> as you said...
> Can you run in debug=6 and post here the output related to the INVITE
> processing ?
> Regards,
> Bogdan
> Taner Sener wrote:
> > Hi Bogdan,
> >
> > In my tests when all resources from group id 1 (with higher priority)
> > are busy (or fail to accept call with some error) I'm calling
> > load_balance for group id 2. Although there is available destinations
> > on this group, return code from load_balance call is < 0. So this is
> > the point where I'm stuck.
> >
> > Any help appreciated.
> >
> > Here's my configuration.
> >
> > load_balancer table
> > -------------------------------
> >
> +----+----------+---------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+
> > | id | group_id | dst_uri             | resources | probe_mode |
> > description |
> >
> +----+----------+---------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+
> > | 95 |     8002 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>>   |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > | 19 |     8002 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>>   |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > | 20 |     8003 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>> |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > | 96 |     8002 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>>   |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > | 97 |     8002 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>>   |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > | 98 |     8002 | sip:a...@ <sip%3...@> <mailto:
> sip%3...@ <sip%253...@>>   |
> > sip=1     |          2 |             |
> > ...
> >
> > opensips.cfg
> > ----------------------
> > ####### Global Parameters #########
> >
> > debug=3
> > log_stderror=no
> > log_facility=LOG_LOCAL6
> >
> > fork=yes
> > children=4
> >
> > /* uncomment the next line to disable TCP (default on) */
> > disable_tcp=yes
> >
> > port=5060
> >
> > ####### Modules Section ########
> >
> > #set module path
> > mpath="//lib/opensips/modules/"
> >
> > /* uncomment next line for MySQL DB support */
> > loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
> > loadmodule "signaling.so"
> > loadmodule "sl.so"
> > loadmodule "tm.so"
> > loadmodule "rr.so"
> > loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
> > loadmodule "usrloc.so"
> > loadmodule "registrar.so"
> > loadmodule "textops.so"
> > loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
> > loadmodule "uri.so"
> > loadmodule "xlog.so"
> > loadmodule "acc.so"
> >
> > /* uncomment next lines for MySQL based authentication support
> >    NOTE: a DB (like db_mysql) module must be also loaded */
> > loadmodule "auth.so"
> > loadmodule "auth_db.so"
> >
> > # needed for load balancer module
> > loadmodule "dialog.so"
> > loadmodule "load_balancer.so"
> >
> > # ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
> >
> >
> > # ----- mi_fifo params -----
> > modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")
> >
> >
> > # ----- rr params -----
> > modparam("rr", "enable_double_rr", 1)
> > modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1)
> >
> >
> > # ----- usrloc params -----
> > modparam("usrloc", "db_mode",   0)
> >
> >
> > # ----- uri params -----
> > modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
> >
> >
> > # ----- acc params -----
> > /* what sepcial events should be accounted ? */
> > modparam("acc", "early_media", 1)
> > modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0)
> > modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 0)
> >
> > /* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests.
> >    if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag"
> >    in "rr" module */
> > modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
> >
> > /* account triggers (flags) */
> > modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
> >
> > /* uncomment the following lines to enable DB accounting also */
> > modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
> > modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2)
> >
> >
> > # ----- auth_db params -----
> > /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable the DB based
> >    authentication */
> > modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
> > modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
> >
> >
> > # ----- tm params -----
> > modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 5)
> > modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 5)
> >
> >
> > # ----- load balancer params -----
> > modparam("load_balancer", "db_url",
> > "mysql://opensips:opensip...@localhost/opensips16")
> > modparam("load_balancer", "db_table", "load_balancer")
> > modparam("load_balancer", "probing_interval", 20)
> > modparam("load_balancer", "probing_method", "OPTIONS")
> > modparam("load_balancer", "probing_from", 
> > "sip:pr...@<sip%3apr...@>
> > <mailto:sip%3apr...@ <sip%253apr...@>>")
> >
> > ####### Routing Logic ########
> >
> >
> > # main request routing logic
> > route{
> > if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
> > sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > if (has_totag()) {
> > # sequential request withing a dialog should
> > # take the path determined by record-routing
> > if (loose_route()) {
> > if (is_method("BYE")) {
> > setflag(1); # do accounting ...
> > setflag(3); # ... even if the transaction fails
> > } else if (is_method("INVITE")) {
> > # even if in most of the cases is useless, do RR for
> > # re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy clients do change route set
> > # during the dialog.
> > record_route();
> > }
> > # route it out to whatever destination was set by loose_route()
> > # in $du (destination URI).
> > route(1);
> > } else {
> > if ( is_method("ACK") ) {
> > if ( t_check_trans() ) {
> > # non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK after
> > # a 487 or e.g. 404 from upstream server
> > t_relay();
> > exit;
> > } else {
> > # ACK without matching transaction ->
> > # ignore and discard
> > exit;
> > }
> > }
> > sl_send_reply("404","Not here");
> > }
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > #initial requests
> >
> > # CANCEL processing
> > if (is_method("CANCEL"))
> > {
> > if (t_check_trans())
> > t_relay();
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > t_check_trans();
> >
> > # preloaded route checking
> > if (loose_route()) {
> > xlog("L_ERR",
> > "Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$fu/$tu/$ru/$ci]");
> > if (!is_method("ACK"))
> > sl_send_reply("403","Preload Route denied");
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > # record routing
> > if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE"))
> > record_route();
> >
> > # account only INVITEs
> > if (is_method("INVITE")) {
> > setflag(1); # do accounting
> > }
> > if (is_method("PUBLISH"))
> > {
> > sl_send_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");
> > exit;
> > }
> > if ($rU==NULL) {
> > # request with no Username in RURI
> > sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete");
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > # when routing via usrloc, log the missed calls also
> > setflag(2);
> >
> > route(3);
> > }
> >
> > route[1] {
> > # for INVITEs enable some additional helper routes
> > if (is_method("INVITE")) {
> > t_on_branch("2");
> > t_on_reply("2");
> > t_on_failure("1");
> > }
> >
> > if (!t_relay()) {
> > sl_reply_error();
> > };
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> >
> > route[3] {
> >         if (is_method("INVITE")) {
> >             load_balance("8002", "sip");
> >             if ($retcode < 0) {
> >              xlog("L_INFO", "load_balancer: Insufficient resource to
> > balance request from $fu to $tu . Re-balancing to route 4!\n");
> > route(4);
> >             }
> >         }
> > t_on_failure("2");
> >
> > # send request
> > if (!t_relay()) {
> > sl_reply_error();
> > }
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > route[4] {
> >         if (is_method("INVITE")) {
> >             load_balance("8003", "sip");
> >             if ($retcode < 0) {
> >              xlog("L_INFO", "load_balancer: Insufficient resource to
> > balance request from $fu to $tu . Sending error!\n");
> >                 sl_send_reply("500", "Service full");
> >                 exit;
> >             }
> >         }
> > # send request
> > if (!t_relay()) {
> > sl_reply_error();
> > }
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> >
> > branch_route[2] {
> > xlog("new branch at $ru\n");
> > }
> >
> >
> > onreply_route[2] {
> > xlog("incoming reply\n");
> > }
> >
> > de
> >
> > failure_route[1] {
> > if (t_was_cancelled()) {
> > exit;
> > }
> >
> > # uncomment the following lines if you want to block client
> > # redirect based on 3xx replies.
> > ##if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) {
> > ##t_reply("404","Not found");
> > ## exit;
> > ##}
> >
> > # uncomment the following lines if you want to redirect the failed
> > # calls to a different new destination
> > ##if (t_check_status("486|408")) {
> > ## sethostport(" <>");
> > ## # do not set the missed call flag again
> > ## t_relay();
> > ##}
> > }
> >
> >
> > failure_route[2] {
> >         if (t_was_cancelled()) {
> >                 exit;
> >         }
> >
> >         if (t_check_status("486|408|603")) {
> >             xlog("L_INFO", "load_balancer: Request from $fu to $tu
> > failed. Re-balancing to 8002!\n");
> >             lb_disable();
> >             load_balance("8002", "sip");
> >
> >             if ($retcode < 0) {
> >              xlog("L_INFO", "load_balancer: Insufficient resource to
> > balance request from $fu to $tu . Re-balancing to route 4!\n");
> > route(4);
> >             }
> >    t_on_failure("2");
> >             t_relay();
> > }
> > }
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > Users@lists.opensips.org
> > http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> >
> --
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> www.voice-system.ro
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@lists.opensips.org
> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
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