Hi Dani,

never used the call_control module, but if need custom RADIUS interaction with RADIUS server, you can directly use the aaa_radius module to fire your custom RADIUS requests and to access the replies. See : http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.6.x/aaa_radius.html#id249962 http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.6.x/aaa_radius.html#id249105


Dani Popa wrote:
Hi Bogdan,

I know that opensips care just about SIP part. But my question is if
somebody tried to make this setup with call_control and opensips. I did
prepaid part, but now, i'm stuck in billing part. I have to tell radius
that the call belongs to some service plans(i have to setup some flag
and then pass it to radius somehow ) and the price for that call is 0. I
just try to avoid to make changes in call_control  module to return
(other value then  2 - call with no limit, 1 - call with call control
limit, -1, and so on..) that mean in my case, call belongs to some
service plan and to setup flag for billing in that case.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Dani,

OpenSIPS is a SIP server so it does not care at all about rating
plans, billing profiles, etc...It is doing only the SIP part.

So, from PrePaid perspective, opensips is a SIP call controller, which
keeps that state of the call and it is able to terminate (from middle)
an ongoing call when instructed (from outside).

Typically you integrate opensips with a billing/rating engine. Most
used approaches are:
   - when call is established, opensips queries the billing engine
(DB, RADIUS, custom ) to see what's the maximum duration for that call
; so opensips will terminate the call if this max duration is
exceeded. (you can use the dialog module)
   - opensips informs the billing when a new call is established
(again, DB, RADIUS, etc) and allows the billing to trigger the call
termination from outside (like billing is keep computing costs and
when there is no more credit, it notifies opensips to terminate the
call) - again, you can use here the dialog module with the dlg_end_dlg
command via XMLRPC .


Dani Popa wrote:

I wonder, how can be implemented with opensips prepaid system with
service plans with included minutes. Can someone to give me some hints ?

Dani Popa

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