
I'm fairly new to OCP myself, just got it running about a month ago.
Since no one with more experience responded, I'll help if I can.
Sounds like you have it all setup and working as designed.
Looking at my system that I have connected to two servers, it looks
like the dialog module section of OCP just is not yet developed to use
the server selection drop down like the MI section.
I'm not using dialog on the servers that I'm connecting it to so I can
see what the report looks like. Have you using the dialog MI commands
like dlg_list in the MI page? Is the output acceptable for your

You could use the MI page as an example and modify the php scripts in
OCP to implement the server drop down functionality.
I would be willing to do it for some compensation and submit it to the
project on completion.
I modifying OCP a fair bit so I could use ssh with a key file to
connect to a remote host and run the fifo commands through the
opensipsctl script because it took less time to get that to work than
getting xml_rpc to compile and work in opensips.
It is in a state of it is working great for me. :-) I'm planning on
submitting my enhancements to the project after making it work more
generically (using fully rather than hard coding
some of my settings) and its worked for a while with me poking and
prodding it.

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Daniel Goepp <> wrote:
> I have not seen a response to this question yet, and it is of particular
> interest to me.  I don't suppose anyone has any comments on getting OCP to
> query multiple servers.  Thoughts?
> Much appreciated.
> -dg
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Cinthia Leung <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have several OpenSIPS servers running and I'd like to have OCP installed
>> on a separate server to keep track of all of them.  At this time I'm stuck
>> at configuring the dialog tool.
>> It looks like it can send MI commands to multiple servers to get a list of
>> active dialogs, is that right?
>> If yes, I can use some help here. I am unable to grab dialog status from
>> all servers, only one at a time.
You are able now to get the dialog status from each server one at a
time or you believe it should.
Your question
>> I think I have configured right, since I'm able to
>> see all my servers in the drop down list of the System -> MI Commands tool
>> page
>> I don't know if I have config/tools/system/dialog/ set
>> correctly.  I have these lines in the file
>>  $box[0]['mi']['conn']="server1_ip:8080";
>>  $box[1]['mi']['conn']="server2_ip:8080";
>> ...
>> Please help.  Thanks.
>> Cinthia
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