Thanks Dave.  I'll try out your suggestions.

On Feb 9, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Dave Singer wrote:

> Cinthia,
> I'm fairly new to OCP myself, just got it running about a month ago.
> Since no one with more experience responded, I'll help if I can.
> Sounds like you have it all setup and working as designed.
> Looking at my system that I have connected to two servers, it looks
> like the dialog module section of OCP just is not yet developed to use
> the server selection drop down like the MI section.
> I'm not using dialog on the servers that I'm connecting it to so I can
> see what the report looks like. Have you using the dialog MI commands
> like dlg_list in the MI page? Is the output acceptable for your
> purposes?
> You could use the MI page as an example and modify the php scripts in
> OCP to implement the server drop down functionality.
> I would be willing to do it for some compensation and submit it to the
> project on completion.
> I modifying OCP a fair bit so I could use ssh with a key file to
> connect to a remote host and run the fifo commands through the
> opensipsctl script because it took less time to get that to work than
> getting xml_rpc to compile and work in opensips.
> It is in a state of it is working great for me. :-) I'm planning on
> submitting my enhancements to the project after making it work more
> generically (using fully rather than hard coding
> some of my settings) and its worked for a while with me poking and
> prodding it.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Daniel Goepp <> wrote:
>> I have not seen a response to this question yet, and it is of particular
>> interest to me.  I don't suppose anyone has any comments on getting OCP to
>> query multiple servers.  Thoughts?
>> Much appreciated.
>> -dg
>> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Cinthia Leung <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have several OpenSIPS servers running and I'd like to have OCP installed
>>> on a separate server to keep track of all of them.  At this time I'm stuck
>>> at configuring the dialog tool.
>>> It looks like it can send MI commands to multiple servers to get a list of
>>> active dialogs, is that right?
> Yes.
>>> If yes, I can use some help here. I am unable to grab dialog status from
>>> all servers, only one at a time.
> You are able now to get the dialog status from each server one at a
> time or you believe it should.
> Your question
>>> I think I have configured right, since I'm able to
>>> see all my servers in the drop down list of the System -> MI Commands tool
>>> page
>>> I don't know if I have config/tools/system/dialog/ set
>>> correctly.  I have these lines in the file
>>>  $box[0]['mi']['conn']="server1_ip:8080";
>>>  $box[1]['mi']['conn']="server2_ip:8080";
>>> ...
>>> Please help.  Thanks.
>>> Cinthia
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