11:01:07 AM bogdan_vs: Hi all
SylkServer [~sylkse...@node10.dns-hosting.info] entered the room. (11:01:15 AM) bogdan_vs has changed the topic to: - OpenSIPS community meeting in progress (11:01:28 AM)
11:01:34 AM saghul: hi bogdan_vs
11:01:38 AM aidanna: howdy bogdan_vs
11:01:45 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: hello
11:01:59 AM haloha: haloha
11:02:05 AM haloha: hello all
11:02:07 AM bogdan_vs: we have scheduled for today the first meeting
11:02:29 AM bogdan_vs: and the plan is to continue it each month
11:03:08 AM bogdan_vs: as I said per email, the purpose of this kind of meeting is to identify issues (tech or non-tech)
DelphiWorld [~VoIpGuy@] entered the room. (11:03:21 AM)
11:03:22 AM DelphiWorld: hi
11:03:33 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs: you overloaded my brain
11:03:38 AM bogdan_vs: and not necessarily to solve them here (as this is more complicated)
11:03:46 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs: i did /join #bogdan_vs no #opensips
11:03:51 AM bogdan_vs: DelphiWorld: take a deep breath
11:03:58 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs:
11:04:05 AM DelphiWorld: bogsee you soon in romania
11:04:11 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs: see you soon in romania
11:04:33 AM bogdan_vs: and the topic of this first meeting is actually the meeting framework itself
duane [~duane@] entered the room. (11:04:35 AM)
11:04:49 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs: when? tomorrow?
11:04:59 AM bogdan_vs: to make it as simple, accessible and pleasant for everybody
11:05:09 AM bogdan_vs: DelphiWorld: the meeting is now
11:05:42 AM bogdan_vs: My original idea was to use something text based (chat) and next step was IRC 11:06:09 AM bogdan_vs: now the question is if chat-like IRC is ok or we can come up with something better
11:06:31 AM p3k4y: google wave
11:06:56 AM bogdan_vs: p3k4y: not familiar with that - what's that ?
skynet [5aa59c1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] entered the room. (11:07:10 AM)
11:07:29 AM bogdan_vs: any suggestion on that ? or brave ideas ?
11:07:30 AM bogdan_vs:
samu60 [d424476d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] entered the room. (11:07:30 AM)
skynet left the room. (11:07:34 AM)
11:07:38 AM Amduscias: you didn't miss anything imho.. some combined version of email, IM and colaboration work..
11:07:42 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: adding audio would be nice IMHO
STenyaK [~quas...@66.red-80-25-84.staticip.rima-tde.net] entered the room. (11:07:49 AM) 11:07:53 AM p3k4y: bogdan_vs: ah, it was a communication "revolution" based in javascript that google released last year. Unfortunately it didn't catch on and they canned it. It was a tongue in cheek suggestion 11:08:05 AM Amduscias: imho IRC is good, you don't need to be 100% aware as on a phone call.. and you can silence the room (moderate it) if needed.. 11:08:18 AM aidanna: anything a sip client would work with would be fine with me, but I do like the text base format and simplicity of IRC
11:08:29 AM p3k4y: +1 for IRC
11:08:37 AM viraptor: yeah - irc is nice... #vuc does conference which seems to be audio + backlog sorted out on irc
FlavioEGoncalves [~FlavioEGo@] entered the room. (11:08:47 AM)
11:08:49 AM svenschulz: IRC is fine for now.
11:09:34 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: If you use Blink on Mac go to menu Call -> Join Conference -> opensips You end up in this IRC channel with chat and wide-band audio bridge 11:09:37 AM bogdan_vs: the only attractive part on audio is to broadcast something, speaking is ffaster
11:09:51 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: exactly
11:09:57 AM duane: Audio would be nice, but it was mentioned that there would be a language barrier for a lot of people 11:10:15 AM saghul: recordings and IRC logs could then be posted on the website or something. 11:10:29 AM viraptor: then again - if you plan to spell out any paths / names / modules / configuration lines, we probably would need irc anyways 11:10:34 AM bogdan_vs: so maybe in some cases we can have front IRC text channel and an audio back channel maybe 11:11:00 AM saghul: duane: Those who want to ask questions or make comments may still do it on IRC
11:11:05 AM bogdan_vs: duane: text everybody has - audio maybe not - TRUE
11:11:22 AM duane: True.  I for one would like Audio
11:11:26 AM bogdan_vs: saghul: we have a recorded for IRC - it logs, but still working on posting the logs
11:11:41 AM bogdan_vs: saghul: check the "recorder_" buddy
11:11:42 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: good to know
11:11:42 AM aidanna: i say try it and see
11:12:01 AM bogdan_vs: viraptor: IRC as primary , permanent, default
duane is now known as DuaneLarson (11:12:11 AM)
11:12:14 AM bogdan_vs: audio maybe time to time for special cases, maybe
11:13:12 AM DelphiWorld: SylkServer: hey adrian!
11:13:19 AM saghul: Good thing about audio is the fact I don't need to be reading if I just want to be listening
11:13:37 AM saghul: Also, we speak faster than we type
11:13:39 AM bogdan_vs: saghul: on the other hand you do not have history
11:13:48 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: opens...@conference.sip2sip.info
11:13:57 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: we could easily have recordings
11:14:03 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: We can record the audio and publish it afterwards 11:14:09 AM bogdan_vs: if you missed 2 mins, that's it...on text you can scroll back
11:14:30 AM bogdan_vs: the idea is to be realtime, as much os possible
11:15:03 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: IRC is most compatible and can be recorded, very good media
vlad_paiu [~vlad@] entered the room. (11:15:34 AM)
11:16:11 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: DelphiWorld: hello too 11:16:18 AM bogdan_vs: ok, so let's stay with IRC as primary, I will take care of logs
11:16:21 AM DelphiWorld: adrian can you open aditional port in sip2sip.info?
11:16:33 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: Is open opens...@conference.sip2sip.info 11:16:36 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: sip:opens...@conference.sip2sip.info
untiptun [~alex@] entered the room. (11:16:48 AM)
11:16:59 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: If someone has DIDs can point to it 11:17:06 AM bogdan_vs: and we will publish the logs after each meeting (and eventually some action points)
11:17:25 AM DelphiWorld: adrian
11:17:28 AM DelphiWorld: what did you need
11:17:30 AM DelphiWorld: i can provide
11:18:48 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: Sounds good. It might also be nice to have a small 'agenda' before each meeting, to have something to start with. 11:18:50 AM bogdan_vs: btw, how many of you will be willing to join a SIP chat ? 11:18:58 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: sip:opens...@conference.sip2sip.info 11:19:20 AM bogdan_vs: saghul: that is clear - we willpublish the agenda with 1 week before
11:19:29 AM saghul: What kind os SIP chat? SIP MESSAGE? MSRP?
11:19:52 AM bogdan_vs: SylkServer: simple SIP chat - we have in opensips the chat module for that
11:20:01 AM bogdan_vs: so you need to support MESSAGE , that's it
11:20:13 AM saghul: Oh, the imc module
11:20:42 AM bogdan_vs: I think it will be compatible with most of the SIP soft clients having MESSAGE 11:21:10 AM bogdan_vs: so, any victims willing to try sometime in the future? after all we do SIP, so we could try to use it 11:21:25 AM osas: For now, I think that we should stick with IRC (we have logs and it is way easier to review IRC logs then listening to a redorded voice conference)
11:21:34 AM DelphiWorld: sack: please try +441613530284
11:21:51 AM bogdan_vs: Ovidiu Sas: SIP text chat, not audio
11:22:03 AM svenschulz: I can be a future SIP victim
11:22:08 AM DelphiWorld: saghul: please try +441613530284
11:22:08 AM osas: I know
11:22:17 AM bogdan_vs: more or less, the experience will be like IRC, but the infrastructure based on SIP 11:22:22 AM aidanna: well, since this is a sip communication server project, can make sense 11:22:39 AM osas: we can try later on with SIP, but for now, IRC is good enough
11:22:40 AM bogdan_vs: well, at least we can experiment at some point....
11:22:51 AM bogdan_vs: osas: right, I agree
11:22:56 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: count me in for experimenting
ghenry [~ghe...@ghenry.plus.com] entered the room. (11:22:58 AM)
ghenry left the room (quit: Changing host). (11:22:58 AM)
ghenry [~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry] entered the room. (11:22:58 AM)
11:23:03 AM osas: we need to focus on what we want to achieve
11:23:06 AM bogdan_vs: saghul: sure I will
11:23:10 AM osas: also, we need to set up some policies
11:23:21 AM bogdan_vs: osas: go on ....
11:23:45 AM osas: to many ppl are speacking now and the distraction is a little bit to much
11:23:49 AM DelphiWorld: bogdan_vs: i provided +441613530284
11:24:11 AM osas: so, I would like to setup some rules:
11:24:18 AM saghul: DelphiWorld: lets stick to text for now
11:24:28 AM bogdan_vs: osas: well, the idea is to follow the topics, step by step... 11:24:32 AM DelphiWorld: saghul: i listened to adrian, thay asked for a did's 11:24:41 AM SylkServer: Adrian Georgescu <sip:31208005...@ag-projects.com>: For the future... 11:24:44 AM osas: bogdan_vs: you need to set the topic of the first item that we want to discuss, and we need to keep the conversation focus 11:25:10 AM osas: in other words, everyone should speack only if is something related to the item being discussed 11:25:16 AM bogdan_vs: osas: that's already in place - for each meeting we will have the topic list in advance
karthik [~chatzilla@] entered the room. (11:25:28 AM)
11:25:29 AM osas: ok
11:25:33 AM bogdan_vs: osas:  that is also current and polite
11:25:41 AM osas: for now, I think we are ok with the fact that we will use IRC
11:25:49 AM bogdan_vs: yes
11:25:53 AM osas: perfect
11:26:05 AM osas: now, we need to move on to the next topic
11:26:09 AM bogdan_vs: another one for today is the time
11:26:17 AM DuaneLarson: *Raises Hand to talk*
11:26:27 AM bogdan_vs: if this 17:00 CET is ok for most of us
FlavioGonc [~FlavioEGo@] entered the room. (11:26:29 AM)
11:26:33 AM bogdan_vs: DuaneLarson: yup
11:26:42 AM aidanna: i'm good with it, in EST US but very easy to do IRC at work
11:26:44 AM DuaneLarson: Just wanted to show that could be a good option
11:27:00 AM DuaneLarson: instead of barging in on the conversation, or not
11:27:00 AM bogdan_vs: DuaneLarson: which is ?
11:27:14 AM osas: DuaneLarson: if someone has something to say and it's relevant, just say it
11:27:18 AM DuaneLarson: raising your hand that is.  Would be a good optino
11:27:22 AM DuaneLarson: ok
11:27:31 AM osas: too many extra logs makes the reading tiring
11:27:39 AM DuaneLarson: Osas, you were talking about some rules. Just thought that might fit
11:27:47 AM DuaneLarson:
11:27:48 AM bogdan_vs: ah....ok  ...but overhead is a bit higher ...
11:27:56 AM osas: yup
11:28:00 AM osas: let's keep it simple
11:28:05 AM svenschulz: Back to original question, yes this time works for me EST
11:28:18 AM osas: talk if you have something to say (related to the topic)
11:28:20 AM bogdan_vs: and after all it is a public conversation (following some rules), not some moderated show
11:28:47 AM DuaneLarson: cool
11:28:53 AM bogdan_vs: ok, back to the time issue - anything against it ? other better idea ? (with arguments, of course) 11:29:10 AM osas: timing seems to be good for most of us (no complains so far)
11:29:18 AM DuaneLarson: Agreed on time
11:30:15 AM bogdan_vs: ok, so we have the answers for : where - IRC, how - chat, when - 17:00 CET
11:30:35 AM svenschulz: once a week, right?
11:30:40 AM bogdan_vs: now, last thing:
11:30:45 AM saghul: would it always be on tuedays?
11:30:57 AM DelphiWorld: 63 users! bogdan_vs! first time
11:31:18 AM bogdan_vs: the rule is: monthly, second Wednesday of each month.
11:31:32 AM DelphiWorld: e
11:31:44 AM osas: that is fine (monthly seems to be reasonable)
11:31:48 AM bogdan_vs: so, once per month
11:31:53 AM DuaneLarson: Will you send out updates like usual (Linkden, mailing list, etc) for each meeting
11:31:54 AM saghul: bogdan_vs: fine with me also
11:32:03 AM svenschulz: works
11:32:07 AM bogdan_vs: DuaneLarson: sure
deonv1 left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.). (11:32:34 AM)
11:33:01 AM bogdan_vs: last one - how to collect ideas for the next topics ?
11:33:16 AM osas: a wiki page
11:33:24 AM saghul: +1 to that
11:33:30 AM osas: that will host logs from previous meetings
11:33:37 AM osas: topic for each meeting
11:33:38 AM FlavioGonc: wiki is fine.
11:33:39 AM bogdan_vs: I like the idea
11:34:01 AM DuaneLarson: *Likes the idea*
11:34:20 AM bogdan_vs: ok - so everything is place....
11:34:32 AM viraptor: maybe some voting on the previous meeting if the next ideas are already known?
11:34:53 AM bogdan_vs: something other things regarding the organizing ?
11:35:36 AM bogdan_vs: viraptor: maybe on wiki? people can second an idea ... 11:36:59 AM bogdan_vs: ok - let's stick to wiki and people supporting ideas there (counter for how many people are supporting the idea)
11:37:31 AM bogdan_vs: so more or less this was all about this first meeting
11:37:40 AM bogdan_vs: to have things in place for the future
11:38:05 AM bogdan_vs: regarding the topics: please remember - we discuss here topics, not trying to find the solutions for them
11:38:23 AM osas: we need to keep the meeting short and focus
11:38:27 AM hurinth: things like improving documentation right?
11:38:35 AM osas: for discussing solutions, we have the mailing list
11:38:43 AM bogdan_vs: once we identified and talked about the ides, we will find channel to solve it
11:38:51 AM bogdan_vs: osas: right
11:38:55 AM FlavioGonc: Topic suggestion: Where opensips wants to be in 5 years?
11:39:04 AM bogdan_vs: hurinth: why not
11:39:15 AM bogdan_vs: FlavioGonc: too long shot
11:39:53 AM bogdan_vs: ok - I will post on email and web the result of this meeting and the page for collecting the topics UnixDev_ [~unix...@c-67-188-28-114.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] entered the room. (11:40:18 AM)
UnixDev_ left the room (quit: Changing host). (11:40:18 AM)
UnixDev_ [~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev] entered the room. (11:40:18 AM)
11:40:26 AM bogdan_vs: Thanks to everyone participating
SylkServer left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection). (11:40:48 AM)
11:40:48 AM viraptor: shortest meeting I've been to in month - good!
11:41:07 AM viraptor: thanks Bogdan

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