On 03/31/2011 03:21 AM, Cindy Leung wrote:
I know I'm doing something bad here.  However, we are having a problem with one 
of the SIP phones that we support.  When it sends out an INVITE and then 
CANCEL, the CANCEL is not being forwarded.  We are suspecting that it is caused 
by a wrong CSeq value.

INVITE #1 gets challenged.
INVITE #2 accepted.
CANCEL is sent, but CSeq is the same as the one in INVITE #1.

It is ok (RFC compliant) for the Cseq in CANCEL to be the same as the Cseq in INVITE:
RFC 3261 - section 9.1:

 "The Request-URI, Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header
   fields in the CANCEL request MUST be identical to those in the
   request being cancelled, including tags. "


Anca Vamanu
OpenSIPS Developer

It is less than ideal for us to contact their support and we'd like to get it 
fixed asap.  I've tried subst(), remove_hf and append_hf to play with CSeq with 
no luck.

Any suggestions?  Thanks!


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