I guess I wasn't being clear enough in the call flow.  I assume the CSeq in the 
CANCEL has to be the same as the second INVITE.

1. Phone sends out INVITE #1, OpenSIPS responds with 401, Phone ACK'd.  I 
believe the transaction is over at this point.
2. Phone sends out INVITE #2 with auth, OpenSIPS accepts the INVITE and send 
back 180.  Phone now sends out a CANCEL, but the CSeq is not the same as INVITE 

As far as I can tell, everything else (ruri, call-id...) is the same except for 


On Mar 31, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Anca Vamanu wrote:

> On 03/31/2011 03:21 AM, Cindy Leung wrote:
>> I know I'm doing something bad here.  However, we are having a problem with 
>> one of the SIP phones that we support.  When it sends out an INVITE and then 
>> CANCEL, the CANCEL is not being forwarded.  We are suspecting that it is 
>> caused by a wrong CSeq value.
>> INVITE #1 gets challenged.
>> INVITE #2 accepted.
>> CANCEL is sent, but CSeq is the same as the one in INVITE #1.
> It is ok (RFC compliant) for the Cseq in CANCEL to be the same as the Cseq in 
> RFC 3261 - section 9.1:
> "The Request-URI, Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header
>   fields in the CANCEL request MUST be identical to those in the
>   request being cancelled, including tags. "
> Regards,
> -- 
> Anca Vamanu
> OpenSIPS Developer
>> It is less than ideal for us to contact their support and we'd like to get 
>> it fixed asap.  I've tried subst(), remove_hf and append_hf to play with 
>> CSeq with no luck.
>> Any suggestions?  Thanks!
>> Cinthi
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