On Oct 31, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

> Hi Saul,
> OK, aside the TCP part (which anyhow is scheduled for fixing) and some extra 
> parsing, does supporting WebRTC imply something more on the OpenSIPS side ?

It requires that OpenSIPS is able to use SIP over a WebSocket transport. So 
OpenSIPS would need support for WebSocket. The transport behaves roughly the 
same as TCP, with the difference that you may only get a single SIP packet in 
each WebSocket segment. There are other couple of minor things, but the core of 
it is supporting the WebSocket transport.

I didn't have the time to test OpenSIPS behind a OverSIP instance, to verify if 
there is anything to be fixed beforehand, but according to 
 Via parsing will fail because if doesn't recognize ws and wss as valid 
transports. I had a look at the attached patch and it seems to solve the 
problem by accepting any Via transport parameter. I guess that's a good idea, 
so OpenSIPS would not care about any transport used in the path, as long as it 
doesn't need to use it, but I guess some checks would need to be done to 
validate if the topmost Via has a transport OpenSIPS understands. Not sure if 
this check is already done though.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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