Hello Bogdan,

The change that you did is now causing things to work. I have attached a snippet of the log file and I have listed the output from the extra debug lines from your patch within the email:

May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 197553 local1.error] SAVING THE SUBSCRIBER INTO THE LOCATION TABLE, test with extra debug ....................................... May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 795617 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags param is 10038f8a0 May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 956053 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags string is <p0> May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 154992 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags bitmask is <20> May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=8000000 May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 269964 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:pack_ci: xXx - flags are 20 May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 692724 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:pack_ci: xXx - saving path into usrloc May 23 09:31:28 OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff


Nathaniel L Keeling

On 5/23/13 4:44 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hello Nathaniel,

My test was just to see if your opensips hits the fixup function for the flags - and it seems it does (the value I gave you is bogus, so it ended up with error).

Could you try this new patch (remove old one) ? (of course, put back the "p0" param ).

Thanks and regards,
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 197553 local1.error] SAVING THE SUBSCRIBER INTO THE LOCATION TABLE, test with extra debug .......................................\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 795617 local1.debug] 
\b DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags param is 10038f8a0
\b0  \
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 956053 local1.debug] 
\b DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags string is <p0>
\b0  \
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 154992 local1.debug] 
\b DBG:registrar:save_aux: xXx - flags bitmask is <20> 
\b0 \
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 421386 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri: parsed uri:\
May 23 09:31:28    type=1 user=<nkeeling>(8)\
May 23 09:31:28    passwd=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28    host=<akanvoice.com>(13)\
May 23 09:31:28    port=<>(0): 0\
May 23 09:31:28    params=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28    headers=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 883594 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:  uri params:\
May 23 09:31:28      transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 996803 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    user-param=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 784403 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    method=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 185236 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    ttl=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 628781 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    maddr=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 949013 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    lr=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 595631 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    r2=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 8 chars, out: 8 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 13 chars, out: 13 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 181770 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_submit_query: 100391220 PQsendQuery(select contact,expires,q,callid,cseq,flags,cflags,user_agent,received,path,socket,methods,last_modified,sip_instance from location where username='nkeeling' AND domain='akanvoice.com' order by q)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 529718 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_new_result: allocate 48 bytes for result set at 1003960d0\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 911073 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_store_result: 100391220 PQresultStatus(PGRES_TUPLES_OK) PQgetResult(100782900)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 460951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: 14 columns returned from the query\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 586195 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_allocate_columns: allocate 392 bytes for result columns at 100396358\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(1003963c8)[0]=[contact]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(1003963d8)[1]=[expires]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 588722 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_DATETIME result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(1003963e8)[2]=[q]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 656759 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_DOUBLE result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(1003963f8)[3]=[callid]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396408)[4]=[cseq]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 499560 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_INT result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396418)[5]=[flags]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 499560 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_INT result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396428)[6]=[cflags]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 499560 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_INT result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396438)[7]=[user_agent]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396448)[8]=[received]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396458)[9]=[path]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396468)[10]=[socket]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396478)[11]=[methods]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 499560 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_INT result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396488)[12]=[last_modified]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 588722 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_DATETIME result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 412218 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: RES_NAMES(100396498)[13]=[sip_instance]\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 995569 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_get_columns: use DB_STRING result type\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 991251 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_convert_rows: no rows returned from the query\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 198008 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:free_query: PQclear(100782900) result set\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 333765 local1.debug] DBG:usrloc:db_load_urecord: aor nkeel...@akanvoice.com not found in table location\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 321192 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_free_columns: freeing result columns at 100396358\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 670447 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_free_rows: freeing 0 rows\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 921065 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_free_result: freeing result set at 1003960d0\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=8000000\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 269964 local1.debug] 
\b DBG:registrar:pack_ci: xXx - flags are 20
\b0  \
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 692724 local1.debug] 
\b DBG:registrar:pack_ci: xXx - saving path into usrloc 
\b0 \
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 421386 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri: parsed uri:\
May 23 09:31:28    type=1 user=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28    passwd=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28    host=<>(14)\
May 23 09:31:28    port=<>(0): 0\
May 23 09:31:28    params=<lr;received=sip:>(35)\
May 23 09:31:28    headers=<>(0)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 883594 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:  uri params:\
May 23 09:31:28      transport=<>, val=<>, proto=0\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 996803 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    user-param=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 784403 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    method=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 185236 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    ttl=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 628781 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    maddr=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 949013 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    lr=<lr>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 595631 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri:    r2=<>, val=<>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 102399 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_uri: uname=[ffffffff7a31d19f]-><received> uval=[ffffffff7a31d1a8]-><sip:>\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 720835 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:pack_ci: xXx - path is <<sip:;lr;received=sip:>>(56)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 8 chars, out: 8 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 48 chars, out: 48 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 28 chars, out: 28 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 25 chars, out: 25 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 23 chars, out: 23 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 56 chars, out: 56 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 23 chars, out: 23 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 323951 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_val2str: PQescapeStringConn: in: 13 chars, out: 13 chars\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 181770 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_submit_query: 100391220 PQsendQuery(insert into location (username,contact,expires,q,callid,cseq,flags,cflags,user_agent,received,path,socket,methods,last_modified,sip_instance,domain ) values ('nkeeling','sip:nkeeling@;transport=udp','2013-05-23 10:31:28',-1.00     ,'168227250668@',2,0,0,'Sipdroid/3.0 beta/LG-P999','sip:','<sip:;lr;received=sip:>','udp:',NULL,'2013-05-23 09:31:28',NULL,'akanvoice.com'))\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 529718 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_new_result: allocate 48 bytes for result set at 100396038\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 911073 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:db_postgres_store_result: 100391220 PQresultStatus(PGRES_COMMAND_OK) PQgetResult(100782a10)\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 198008 local1.debug] DBG:db_postgres:free_query: PQclear(100782a10) result set\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 670447 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_free_rows: freeing 0 rows\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 921065 local1.debug] DBG:core:db_free_result: freeing result set at 100396038\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 866151 local1.debug] DBG:registrar:build_contact: created Contact HF: Contact: <sip:nkeeling@;transport=udp>;expires=3600;received="sip:"^M\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 497291 local1.debug] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 153352 local1.debug] DBG:core:pv_printf: final buffer length 105\
May 23 09:31:28   OpenSips[23458]: [ID 197553 local1.info] INFO:callerid:168227250668@|end|The subscriber has successfully registered with Akan Voice\
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