This error message can be totally unrelated to the problem you have with
the uac_replace_to thing.
It means that the proxy tried to close a session which doesn't exist
anymore in mediaproxy.

I guess you not using engage_media_proxy() function, or you trying to end
the media session more than once with end_media_session() upon receiving
the BYE.


2013/6/19 M.Khaled W Chehab <>

> Hi Laszlo****
> ** **
> I can see this error in the syslog ****
> error: Got `remove' command from OpenSIPS for unknown session with call-id
> `ca8ccd95-d81511e2-bebfd582-e4ab...@xx.xx.xx.xx-b2b_****
> please can you show me how I can do the uac_replace  per branch ,in other
> words from where and how I can remove the uac_replace_to from global since
> second time I am doing it in a branch ****
> ** **
> Regard****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Laszlo
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:24 PM
> *To:* OpenSIPS users mailling list
> *Subject:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] uac_replace_to problem****
> ** **
> BTW, looks like you doing uac_replace_to twice. once in global, and once
> in a per-branch route.****
> You can do it only once, I'm sure you see something about this in the
> syslog.****
> try what Flavio suggested, so do these changes only in the branch route.**
> **
> -Laszlo****
> ** **
> 2013/6/19 M.Khaled W Chehab <>****
> while i am using uac_replace_to in failover route branch i can find that
> TO header is not changed(sip user part ) but appended an new raw  as I want
> it to be To: "971552448304" <sip: 808971552448...@xx.xx.xx.55>****
>  ****
> SIP to address:
> sip:835822971552448...@xx.xx.xx.55sip:808971552448...@xx.xx.xx.55****
> SIP to address User Part: 835822971552448304****
> SIP to address Host Part: xx.xx.xx.55sip****
> SIP to address Host Port: 808971552448...@xx.xx.xx.55****
>  ****
>  ****
> please advice ****
>  ****
> regards****
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* M.Khaled W Chehab []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 19, 2013 2:41 PM
> *To:*
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* uac_replace_to problem ****
>  ****
> Hi,****
>  ****
> I am running opensips 1.8.3 with  do_routing module ****
> A dial_rule prefix has 3 trunk gateways ( gw1,gw2,gw3)****
>  ****
> After do_routing(,)****
> I am setting the $rU and fixing  the To Tag header using uac_replace_to(
> and the call go to gw1 with correct TO tag as I set it ,****
>  ****
> but when calls fails on gw1 ,then  I set the $rU in route[6] to go to
> second in route and it goes with bad TO header, since it goes with the same
> To header in the 1st invite ****
> That target gw1 ****
> 1-how to fix the To header in the second invite to gw2****
>  ****
>  ****
> loadmodule ""****
> modparam("uac","restore_mode","auto")****
>  ****
> uac_replace_to("$avp(dst)","sip:$var(prefix)$avp(dst)@$td");****
>                                        t_on_failure("1");****
>  ****
> on failure_route[1] {****
> .****
> if (!t_check_status("487")) {****
>                              #xlog("------------route6-------\n");****
>                              $avp(failure_count) = $avp(failure_count) +
> 1;  #480|486|603          ****
>                                        route(6);****
>                                                  ****
>                     } ****
>  ****
> Route[6]{****
> .****
> .****
> .****
> $rU = $var(prefix) + $avp(dst);****
> uac_replace_to("sip:$var(prefix)$avp(dst)@$td");****
>  ****
> }****
>  ****
> Regards****
>  ****
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