Hi  All ,

      I wanted to use a single DB against 2 or more registrar server .

 Below is my requirement :

 Opensips1 (x.x.x.x) -> DB
 Opensips2 (x.x.x.y) -> DB

       DB is in different machine and both opensips servers are accessing
the same DB .  Opensips is running on Db only mode . db_mode: 3 .

I had mapped a domain in route53 ex. " loadbalance.i3clogic.com " and
against this domain I have added both the IPs of opensips1 and 2 as SRV .

         I have added this domain in my opensips config file as aslias in
both the config files  .

       what my client do is , it does SRV query in the domain and resolve 1
Ip at a time and send requests to that .

example :
A-> SRV query( resolve Ip opensips1)  -> sent Register Opensips1 -> store
in DB
     This can change in ttl expire or in re-login of A . A is making TCP
connection with opensips .

when an Invite comes for A  to opensips2 , that send 477 send fail .

B -> Inv (TCP connection for A ) Opensips2

      Opensips2 replys with 477 send fail to B . The reason behind this is
A is registered through Opensips1 .

This is what I want and the problem I am facing . My questing is how can I
solve this . I dont want to add any proxy in between client and opensips1/2
. Is there any way this will work for me ?

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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