If you have the same kind of network constraints (UAC behind NAT), then in it not work for UDP either. If the UAC is nated, in 99% of the cases, it is able to be reached back only by the SIP node the UAC is registering with.

So you have to re-think the internal design of your cluster.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
  OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

OpenSIPS Bootcamp 2017, Houston, US

On 07/25/2017 04:16 PM, Sasmita Panda wrote:
I got your point . I understand why 477 send failed message is coming .

Lets I am not using TCP . I am using UDP . my question is how I will use a single DB behind a cluster of opensips . Is this possible in UDP . I dont think so . In UDP i may get "408 request timeout" message from opensips node .

Lets say . I have a client and I have given a domain to that . against that domain there are 2 opensips node and both sharing same DB and running in db_only mode . My UAC is behind NAT off-course .

According to you I cant use this scenario if my UAC is behind NAT . If opensips nodes and UAC can communicate internally inside a LAN then its possible .

     Please correct me if I am wrong .

*/Thanks & Regards/*
/Sasmita Panda/
/Network Testing and Software Engineer/
/3CLogic , ph:07827611765/

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>> wrote:


    OpenSIPS can open a new TCP connection towards an UAC IF:
        1) the registered IP is public
        2) the UAC is not behind a NAT.

    The 477 reply is generated by the inability of OpenSIPS to open a
    TCP connection - you can see some error messages into the logs too.


    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
       OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
       http://www.opensips-solutions.com <http://www.opensips-solutions.com>

    OpenSIPS Bootcamp 2017, Houston, US

    On 07/25/2017 02:53 PM, Sasmita Panda wrote:
    Is there any way opensips nodes will be connected in TCP ? If
    what I am expecting is not possible then I will leave this .

    Then my question is whats the use of opensips cluster using same
    DB ? In which scenarion I can use this . I just want a cluster of
    opensips node sharing a single DB . How can I achieve this ?

    */Thanks & Regards/*
    /Sasmita Panda/
    /Network Testing and Software Engineer/
    /3CLogic , ph:07827611765/

    On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
    <bog...@opensips.org <mailto:bog...@opensips.org>> wrote:

        Hi Sasmita,

        There is an incompatibility between your opensips cluster
        design and your network topology. If the end device is TCP
        connected to one Node, and it is not able (due network
        constraints) to receive TCP connections from any other Node,
        it makes no sense to share the registration data between the
        OpenSIPS Nodes as only the Node that received the
        registration will be able to reach back the device (again,
        due network constraints)

        Best regards,

        Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
           OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

        OpenSIPS Bootcamp 2017, Houston, US

        On 07/24/2017 03:24 PM, Sasmita Panda wrote:
        Hi  All ,
              I wanted to use a single DB against 2 or more
        registrar server .

         Below is my requirement :

         Opensips1 (x.x.x.x) -> DB
         Opensips2 (x.x.x.y) -> DB

               DB is in different machine and both opensips servers
        are accessing the same DB . Opensips is running on Db only
        mode . db_mode: 3 .

        I had mapped a domain in route53 ex. "
        loadbalance.i3clogic.com <http://loadbalance.i3clogic.com> "
        and against this domain I have added both the IPs of
        opensips1 and 2 as SRV .

                 I have added this domain in my opensips config file
        as aslias in both the config files  .

               what my client do is , it does SRV query in the
        domain and resolve 1 Ip at a time and send requests to that .

        example :
        A-> SRV query( resolve Ip opensips1)  -> sent Register
        Opensips1 -> store in DB
             This can change in ttl expire or in re-login of A . A
        is making TCP connection with opensips .

        when an Invite comes for A  to opensips2 , that send 477
        send fail .

        B -> Inv (TCP connection for A ) Opensips2

              Opensips2 replys with 477 send fail to B . The reason
        behind this is A is registered through Opensips1 .

        This is what I want and the problem I am facing . My
        questing is how can I solve this . I dont want to add any
        proxy in between client and opensips1/2 . Is there any way
        this will work for me ?

        */Thanks & Regards/*
        /Sasmita Panda/
        /Network Testing and Software Engineer/
        /3CLogic , ph:07827611765/

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