Set cell_factor (in &cell) to a number higher than the default like 
suggested... That should work.

Martin Andersson
University of Copenhagen

Den 2012-09-23 4:43 PM, Alexey Akimov skrev:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to optimize a relatively large system such as 2 C60 / unit cell. 
> So i start with relatively large cell dimensions. I'm doing vc-relax 
> calculations with either 'damp'&'damp-pr' or 'bfgs'&'bfgs' for ionic and cell 
> dynamics options. However, after some number (~50-70) of successful  
> (ionic/cell) steps the calculations crash with the error:
>       Error in routine scale_h (1):
>       Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a larger 
> cell_factor.
> It seems like this happens when the size of the simulation cell changes by 
> some notable amount with respect to the starting one. Perhaps, the program 
> automatically changes the plane wave basis set (increases). If i restart the 
> calculations with the latest (most optimal) configuration of the system and 
> the same amount of memory allocated, the further optimization can proceed 
> some more time (also ~50 - 70 steps) before next crash. So in principle it is 
> still possible to achieve the convergence with this sequence of operations, 
> but it is quite inconvenient to reset the calculations every 50-70 steps.
> So my question: is there any way to avoid this and get optimized results 
> without intermediate crashes (apart from increasing the amount of memory 
> reserved in the beginning)?
> Thank you,
> Alexey

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