Dear Lily,

Indeed the non magnetic ground state of iron is fcc therefore if you start from 
bcc your system is very unhappy.
As suggested by Mike you should set nspin=2. However do not forget that by 
doing vc-md you will move atoms according to a given "molecular" temperature 
but you will totally ignore the spin temperature which is another complicated 
story:-) Any hint to do a spin+molecular dynamic from ab-initio would be very 
Some attempts to do it from empirical models have been proposed but this 
remains rather tricky.

good luck..

Cyrille Barreteau                                 phone :      +33 (0)1 69 08 
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De : pw_forum-bounces at [pw_forum-bounces at] de la part 
de Mike Mehl [Michael.Mehl at]
Date d'envoi : lundi 5 d?cembre 2011 15:36
? : Lily Anh; PWSCF Forum
Objet : Re: [Pw_forum] vc-md temperature increases

Since BCC Fe is magnetic, I suspect you will get better results by adding


to your &system block.

On 12/05/2011 04:13 AM, Lily Anh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running a 'vc-md' calculation with PW.X in QE v4.1.1. The system is
> bcc-Fe supercell of 16 atoms. The target temperature were set to 600 K
> in the input file while the temperature goes up all the way to more than
> 1000 K. I tried with a much larger supercell (128 atoms), this problem
> still happens.
> Does anyone know how to fix this?
> Many thanks!
> Lily
> I attached my input file here:

> &system
> nosym=.t., ibrav = 0, celldm(1) =9.3,nat= 16, nbnd=300,ntyp= 1,
> ecutwfc=40,ecutrho=400,occupations='smearing', smearing='mp', degauss=0.02
> /
> &electrons
> mixing_mode='TF'
> mixing_beta= 0.7
> /

Michael J. Mehl
Head, Center for Computational Materials Science
Naval Research Laboratory Code 6390
Washington DC
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