On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 17:13 +0800, Lily Anh wrote:
> I am running a 'vc-md' calculation with PW.X in QE v4.1.1. The system
> is bcc-Fe supercell of 16 atoms. The target temperature were set to
> 600 K in the input file while the temperature goes up all the way to
> more than 1000 K.

velocity rescaling is present in the variable-cell MD algorithm but 
it is not actually activated. You will need to initialize variables
"ntimes" and "ntcheck", used by subroutine "vcmove" in PW/vcsubs.f90,
to the number of thermalization steps to be performed and to the 
number of steps between thermalizations; or to use the development
version (just fixed, maybe)

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

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