Dear Dr. Timrov,

I have set verbosity = high in QE input file without specifying nbnd.
In the HP output file, I am getting below two messages:

   - Possibly too few bands at point    2

If this is really related to QE input file then why I do not see any such
message in QE output file?
Should we set nbnd in QE input file or we can ignore it?

   - Number of k-points >= 100: set verbosity='high' to print the bands.

I do not find q verbosity tag in "hp.x input description" file instead I
found iverbosity.  Anyway, it should not affect the final U+V value as we
do not see any effect of verbosity on band structure calculation. RIght? or
I should set iverbosity=2 in HP input file?

Thank you for guiding me.


K C Bhamu
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Chemical Engineering
University of Ulsan
South Korea
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