I would guess that your ifort installation is not configured correctly. Tipcally as part of the ifort installation you get a script called setvars.sh or someting similar, it depends on the version. Run it like

source /path/to/setvars.sh

(or variabt depending on teh version) and you should be fine.

On 16/11/2022 14:59, Riccardo Piombo uniroma1 via users wrote:

Dear comunity,

I'm trying to compile QE on ubuntu 18.04. I have followed the instructions written in the documentation and I have successfully compiled the software without any errors.

However, as soon as I try to launch any type of job the following error shows up:

/error while loading shared libraries: libmkl_scalapack_lp64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory/

It is very strange that such an error appears as ./configure did not report any errors.

Could someone help me out?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Riccardo Piombo

Post doc researcher in Condensed Matter Physics at Sapienza University of Rome

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