As a strict minimum, you should write an "unformatted" file, much faster than a "formatted" one. I don't understand what you are trying to achieve, though. You can read the QE format with a postprocessing code (please have a look at pp_example.f90) and do whatever you like with the Kohn-Sham orbitals, on as many processors you need, without re-writing everything once again.


On 23/11/2022 16:11, Riccardo Piombo uniroma1 via users wrote:
Dear Comunity,

I modified the local_dos.f90 file (see attached file) stored in the PP/src folder to download the wavefunctions of a system I'm currently studying.

In particular, I'm running QE on a CINECA supercomputer because my system contains more than 600 atoms, and I need to run my computations on several nodes.

My minor modification works well, but I'm facing some problems regarding the parallelization during the I/O.

For example, If I ask my modified pp.x to write down a single wfc computed at gamma at fixed band index (say n=1), I obtain a file with 551981 real and imaginary parts of the coefficients of the Plane waves expansion stored.

However, it takes more than 4 minutes to accomplish this task using just 1 node, and since the default number of bands is 5747, it takes about 22988 minutes = 383 hours = 15 days to download all the wfcs.

Therefore, I decided to run pp.x on multiple nodes. I realized the number of coefficients saved in the various files is halved every time the number of nodes is doubled, and the same also happens when the values of n-tasks-per-node and CPU-per-tasks are not 1 and 48, respectively (each CINECA node contains 2 CPU with 24 cores each).

Since I don't know how the I/O is parallelized in QE, could someone suggest how to modify the file so I can use more nodes and avoid that part of the files is not overwritten?

The only parts of local_dos.f90 that I have modified are the ones between the following commented lines


//!!!NEW: print wave functions in G space and corresponding G vectors//




/!!!NEW: print wave functions in G space and corresponding G vectors/


So each modification begins with multiple hashes and ends with numerous dashes.

My concern is that the WRITE statements I have used are not the right ones when performing computations over several nodes.

Do I have to open multiple files, one for each node involved?

Best regards,

Riccardo Piombo

Post doc researcher in Condensed Matter Physics at Sapienza University of Rome

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