Thanks to all for the replies,

Prof. Ceresoli I imagine that by "collecting" you mean what prof. Giannozzi said: the coefficients are stored in binary files and you have to manage them with a script

as the one that you advised me. I think I'll take a look at your script, by now I did some testing and saw that such a modification of the local_dos.f90 file "works":

you define some variables

  ! store an identifier for each of the parallel processes
  INTEGER :: process_Rank

  ! handle error codes
  INTEGER :: ierror
  CHARACTER(len=30) :: file_name1, file_name2, str_Rank

then you add the following line

CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, process_Rank, ierror)
WRITE(str_Rank,'(i5.5)') process_Rank
file_name1 = 'wfc_g_Rank' // trim(str_Rank) // '.dat'
file_name2 = 'g_vectors_Rank' // trim(str_Rank) // '.dat'
OPEN (unit = 555, file = trim(file_name1), form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown') OPEN (unit = 666, file = trim(file_name2), form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown')

after the command

IF ( wg(ibnd, ik) > epsilon(0.0_DP) * wg_max .and. &

             (ibnd == kband .or. iflag /= 0)) THEN

I'll certainly follow the advice you both gave me.

Best regards,

Riccardo Piombo

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