On 13/05/2024 17:26, Giuseppe Mattioli wrote:

    occupations= 'smearing'
    smearing= 'cold'
    degauss= 0.05 ! I know it's quite large, but necessary to stabilize the SCF at this preliminary stage (no geometry step done yet)
    mixing_beta= 0.4

If you want to stabilize the scf it is better to use a Gaussian smearing and to reduce degauss (to 0.01) and mixing beta (to 0.1 or even 0.05~0.01). In the case of a relax calculation with a difficult first step, try to use scf_must_converge=.false. and a reasonable electron_maxstep (30~50). It often helps when the scf is not completely going astray.

Ciao Giuseppe, I would agree that in a semiconductor it might be more natural to use Gaussian (although even for cold things are now sorted out - https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.195122); but I wonder why reducing the smearing would help convergence.

To me, the smaller the smearing the more you can be affected by level-crossing instabiities?


Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
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