On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Ulf Leichsenring <u...@leichsenring.net> 
> I had the same issue after switching to roundcube 0.3. As far as I
> understand it has to do with the message chaching of roundcube and it's
> documented in http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1486104
> A workaround which works for me is to disable caching in roundcube. To
> do this set "$rcmail_config['enable_caching']=false" inside the
> config/main.inc.php.
> What kind of IMAP server do you have running? I had this issue with
> dovecot 1.0.15.

Good info. I will try that. Are there any functionality impacts to
making that change?

I am running Dovecot 1.0.7-7.el5 (CentOS).
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