On 8/10/14 8:11 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 10/07/2014 04:22 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:
On 8/10/14 6:43 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Redsleeve is the arm port of Centos 6.  So I am installing from the tar from
roundcube.net and the installer script reports that:

      Checking PHP extensions

The following modules/extensions are /required/ to run Roundcube:

DOM: NOT OK(Could be loaded. Please add in php.ini; See

The next couple of extensions are /optional/ and recommended to get the best
performance: FileInfo: OK

Mcrypt: NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.mcrypt.php)
Intl: NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php)

I don't see in the manual what to add to php.ini.  Please advise.

I have tried to find mcrypt (yum install mcrypt libmcrypt), but these are not 
mcrypt it seems to want.

And I don't know were to find the intl.php.

Look for PHP extension packages. They might be called something like
php-mcrypt or php5-mcrypt. The mcrypt library, libmcrypt, will be a
dependency for them. Similar for intl and perhaps even DOM, though I
thought that was built right into core in recent PHP. Which version of
PHP do you have installed? Actually, a quick Google suggests the package
for DOM is php-xml.

Originally I did not even have DOM, and was told to install php-xml. Now I have 
work out the php.ini for it.

Usually when you use a package manager, there is something like a conf.d
directory, or php.ini.d or something, which includes the php.ini
fragments needed to enable the extension.

However, if it doesn't, usually it's as simple as putting lines such as


in php.ini, or uncomment such lines by removing a semicolon (;) from the

There may also be directives in the relevant sections you need to tweak,
i.e. under a section in square brackets such as [mcrypt]. About the only
one I've tweaked *regularly* though is date.timezone under [Date]!


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