Am 12.02.2015 um 01:27 schrieb Noel Butler:
> On 12/02/2015 00:34, deoren wrote:
>> It's important to note that Internet Explorer 8 was the default browser for 
>> Windows 7 and won't be considered End of Life (unsupported) until Windows 7 
>> is. In short, it's still supported by Microsoft with security patches.
>> _______________________________________________
> errr, IE11 is current available browser on win7, if anyone has ie8,
> there is one must ask what other updates have they not run (not being a
> win user I cant tell you if win7 came with ie11 or ie8 that was upgraded
> to ie11, either way, ie11 clearly is availalbe for win7)
The problem is that a lot of larger companies still run IE8 as they
often have legacy applications that dont work on newer stuff (or the IT
dep. is simply not upgrading as they dont have

Its also fact that a lot of employees use the webmail during workhours
from their workplace to check their private mail - if you drop IE8, you
will make them unhappy.


Protect your environment -  close windows and adopt a penguin!

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