
I was not able to follow the whole discussion but concerning your subplot 
challenge: “… I cannot add a second x-axis in a subplot by newaxis(). How to 
add a x-axis by using subplot?”  and your last example,

Couldn’t you add a 4th subplot at the bottom in order to plot the 2nd x-axis 
(say by plotting only zeros)?



From: users [mailto:users-boun...@lists.scilab.org] On Behalf Of Frieder 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:04 AM
To: Users mailing list for Scilab 
Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Fwd: plotxxyyy

Dear Jens,

yes, the plot_date_16_lines.gif Show real data, but only a few lines of it.

For two reasons, showing the datevec isn't a good approach i asked for. Your 
tip to show the secounds instead of the datenumber, solved the Problem to have 
a readalbe time. I use a first diagramm for choosing the intervall I am going 
to process later on. For the choosing of the time period, I have two butooms 
that Show two different Diagramms. The first shows the entire time period and 
the scound enlargest the choosen period of time.

I choose the period by tiping the start and finish line number in my gui. With 
the secounds printed, I do not know the line number. So I have to try and print 
and try and print. ...

Why aren't the secounds the same as the line number (data Point)?

Because my data Looks like this:

Zeit Distanz Geschwindigkeit 1 Drehzahl  Cv-Druck Richtung Lokbremse anlegen 
Lokbremse lösen Zugbremse anlegen Zugbremse lösen Kupplung betätigt Bremsen  
03.04.2012 08:49:20.090 46476.4940 0.00 478.61 0.53  0   0   0   1   0   0   0
03.04.2012 09:42:42.120 46476.4940 0.00 1150.71 0.24  0   0   0   1   0   0   0
03.04.2012 09:43:03.350 46476.4940 0.00 1059.06 0.24  0   1   0   1   0   0   0
03.04.2012 09:43:03.550 46476.4940 0.00 1059.06 0.24  0   1   1   1   1   0   0
03.04.2012 09:43:09.460 46476.4945 1.70 1059.06 0.24  0   1   1   1   1   0   0

Translate the header: time   distance   Speed    Revolution Speed, ....

 The time period between each data Point isn't the same. Once the locomotive 
starts to operate, the programm does print line by line, each time a paramter 
changes. If the locomotive stands a few hours around, the data has a gap.

But I want to print on one x axis the time in Secounds (or maybe hours or days, 
depends on the period I have to process). On the secound x-axis, I want to 
print the line number. On the attached Diagramm, you see that there is a gap 
between secound 2000 and secound 3500. That one must to be seen in the 
Diagramm, but I want to know what line is secound 2000 and what line is secound 
3500, to maybe chosse the time of Operation of the locomotive before These 
night break.

The question of datapoints is: They differ between a few tousand (50 000) and a 
few millions. The Programm must be able to operate with booth. The first 
Diagramm is going to Show me the entire time period of a few days. Then I have  
a secound Diagramm. With the secound one, I choose by tiping the start and 
finsih line number in my gui, the time period of my Diagramm. Maybe one day. 
Then I have the data a Little big bigger, then I do choose the hours of 
interet. That might be just one hour. Then I do type the lines of this time 

In the end, I do print the choosen time period in a new document, adding 
(calculating) a few more parametre like traction.  With the printed document, 
is for Simulation.

 My approach now is. Plotting three Diagramm abooth each other. But I cannot ad 
a secound x-axis in a subplot by newaxis(). How to add a x-axis by using 

 Thank you for your Support.



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