Thanks for all the answers.

I feared that there is no way around a loop. During the process batt (Battery) is charged and discharged. In my example, it is only discharged. I will code the entire problem with a loop, maybe somebody knows something to speed up the process with the full problem. (Tim: I am not a programming pro, a C-function might not be a solution. ) Why do I try avoidng a loop? I do have txt-document with 50 000 to 100 000 lines about a (hybrid-)locomotive shunting process. I do need to optimize the energy managment. Because I am not mathemtic student, I have to solve the problem empirical (try and error). The programm has to run a few hundred times. With a matrix thats no problem, but with matrixes only, I can only calculate the diesel usage without any battery energy storage.

Thanks for the checking my code anyway.

Am 10.05.2017 um 20:53 schrieb Amanda Osvaldo:
What it's the equation you need to compute ?
Perhaps I can help.

I think it's possible to compute with something in this way:
map  =  find  (P(:,2)  >  100  );
if  batt  >  800  then
     batt  =  batt  -  P(map,2)  *  (P(map+1,1)  -  P(map,1));
On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 17:23 +0200, Frieder Nikolaisen wrote:


I did write an example code, but I do not like the time consuming way I solved the problem. With 50 000 lines in the matrix, it wouldn't be fun.

How can I avoid using the for-loop?

10,      80;
11,      200
15,      0];

batt  =  1000;
gen  =  0;

n  =  1
for  n=1:5

     if  P(n,2)  >  100  then
         if  batt  >  800  then  batt  =  batt  -  P(n,2)  *  (P(n+1,1)  -  
         gen  =  gen  +  P(n,2)  *  (P(n+1,1)  -  P(n,1))
     batt  =  batt  -  P(n,2)  *  (P(n+1,1)  -  P(n,1))
disp('n '  +  string(n))
disp('batt '  +  string(batt))
disp('gen '  +  string(gen))

Thanks alot!

Best regards Frieder
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