
In another e-mail that for some reason was not sent (and was completely deleted...) I mentioned this page and standard ISO 80000-2, which in its clause 9, item 2.9.5 says that symbol for multiplication is either · or ×, and that they can be omitted if no misunderstanding is possible, and presents two examples of omission, one with space, such as /a/ /b/, and one without space, such as /ab/ (I suppose this is when one has been already using /a/ and /b/ or they are immediately explained).

I like the space more, it is more general and the only situation where it would be ambiguous is between numbers, such as 1.234 58 (since the thousand separator is a short space according to the ISO-BIPM GUM), but between numbers × is customary.



On 30/10/2019 18:43, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
Le 30/10/2019 à 21:51, Federico Miyara a écrit :

Dear all,

I think a half-high (centered) dot "·" is a better (and more standard) multiplication sign, it does not take much space and it cannot be confused with the decimal separator ".", for instance

1 + Ts·s - A·s^2

1 + 2.·s - 0.27·s^2

However, I think the decimal dot shouldn't be used in a block diagram, its only use is to indicate they are real numbers, but block diagrams never refer to integers so the decimal dot is somewhat pedantic.

When a decimal number is integer, the dot is not displayed. With your dot, it would give
1 + 2·s - 0.27·s^2
So the confusion could be only with cases like 1 + 2.55.s

I was told that in formulae, the most standard is to use space between multiplied symbols.
This is what looks the most widely used. Please see for example or any other page using a lot of maths.

Output with \cdot :

vs wider space

or still wider:

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