Hi Samuel, 

In fact I've not been using matlab for more than 10 years, so I try to 
understand this as well. 

The input tilde is still abit confusing for me as well, I am trying to 
understand its' usage as this page: 

function val = pick2nd (~, arg2) 

  val = arg2;


I can't see the reason why the input need to ignored in this case, is it 
defined but not being user due to bad user overlooked it? or is it neglected 
and the default value would be used?

Then I find this : 

"The tilde is only for function declaration. Matlab's mlint recommends to 
replace unused arguments by ~. The result is a function declared like this 
function output = MyFunction(a, b, ~, c). This is a very bad practice. 

Since you have a function where the parameters are optional, you must call the 
function with empty arguments output=MyFunction(str1,str2,[],[],...,true)."

It sound to me that the input tilde is suggested by the matlab  mlint to 
improve the code so that the unused variable need not to pass into the 
function, and to improve memory management? 

So there are 2 possibilities for the input tilde :

1. used to replace unused variable in the input which defined by user, but not 
being used. So the mlint recomment to replace with tilde, it could be be remove 
possibly due to the project has been calling the functions for many time, and 
changing the 4th to 3rd argument might need to change a lot of codes. In this 
case, the %unused would be good. 

2. Tilde used to tell the function to use default value, then replacing it with 
% unused might cause error. 

Think we need some x-matlaber to confirm which case. 

Thanks again.


---- On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 20:36:01 +0800 Samuel Gougeon 
<mailto:sgoug...@free.fr> wrote ----

Hello Chin Luh,

Thanks a lot for your input.

Both cases -- input and output will
      have to be converted --, since the converter is also made to
      convert (sets of) functions definitions, not only scripts.

About the input case: Steven's answer
      is still not really clear to me. Doing some tests on Octave, we
      must anyway provide some input at calling time when  ~ is used as
      default input in the definition. AFAIU, this ~ could just be to
      make sure that no variable name used inside the function matches
      the name of the input argument in the function definition, since
      "~" alone can't be actually used as variable's name. In this case,
      for Scilab, any input ~ could be replaced with an improbable
      variable name like "%unused" or "%kwzxq", and that should do it.

Please, correct me if someone
      understands something else.
 Best regards

Le 26/11/2019 à 03:33, Chin Luh Tan a écrit :

users mailing list 
Hi Samuel, 

I think your assumption likely correct on the input and the
          output using ~



You can use tilde to ignore input arguments when you define the function.

You cannot use tilde to ignore input arguments when you call the function.

You cannot use tilde to ignore output arguments when you define the function.

You can use tilde to ignore output arguments when you call the function.

If you want to be able to specify only the third argument, there must be some 
way for your function to disambiguate the one-input call from a call that 
specifies only the third input. Usually in MathWorks function this is done by 
specifying [] for the arguments for which the user doesn't want to specify. In 
that case the code would use the default value if either nargin is too small or 
if nargin is large enough and the specified input argument isempty.


>From what I could think off, mat2sci conversion to replace ~ at the output 
>arguments should always be safe. As for the input, since the tilde could not 
>be used as input when calling function, I think there should not be any cases 
>that need to be implemented in conversion?




---- On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 04:20:52 +0800 Samuel Gougeon mailto:sgoug...@free.fr 
wrote ----

Le 23/11/2019 à
                15:35, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :

Hello Philipp,
                    and to all (former ;-) matlabers,

                  16/10/2019 à 11:46, P M a écrit :

Dear experts,

trying to convert a matlab code to scilab I
                      come across following line:

[~,~,Minstances_hat] = unique(B(:));

How to replace the "~" symbol?

B is the blue channel of a RGB image...hence a m x n matrix of integers 
(type(B) = 8 )

This issue is now reported as http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16254.

Solving this issue would improve the converter.
 I may contribute to solve it. However, I do not use to
                  use Matlab or Octave. So i don't know how the ~
                  placeholder set in the list of inputs is
                  processed inside the called function. This message is
                  a call for information about this topic.
 Ignoring an output is trivial. As suggested by
                  Stéphane, the ans variable is a good candidate as
                  replacement for ~,
 just as a fake recipient, as in "[~, ia] =
                  unique(A)"   =>  "[ans, ia] = unique(A)"

The meaning of ignoring an input is a priori
                  completely different, at least from a Scilab point of

This leads to the fact that, on the "function ..."
                  line, the converter will have to distinguish the list
                  of inputs from the list of outputs, and then process
                  the same ~ character in 2 different ways.
 This processing would have to run also when the
                  "function ..." line is split on several rows with the
                  "..." continuation marks.
 First, i will need an actual example of function call
                  with ~ in the input list, runnable in Octave.
 Any compact suggestion is welcome.
 At least 2 use cases are expected: one calling a
                  function written in Octave/Matlab language (improperly
                  called "macros" in Scilab), the other one calling a
                  hard-coded function.

Let's consider the first case, with a "macro":

What does  the ~ sent placeholder pass to the
                    function? How is it detected/detectable inside the
                    macro ?

How is it processed by the function? Is there a
                    generic default processing, as replacing it with the
                    empty matrix [], or whatever else?

Where is the crowd of matlabers?

The page describing this 

But i do not clearly understand it.

Apparently, "canceling" an input is done (only?) at
                the function definition, not when calling it, unlike for
                the outputs.

If so, then ans could also be used as a
                replacement, meaning that anyway this input won't be
                used inside the function.

A test of call with Octave yields an error:

                  function [r, s] = funtest(a,b,c)
 >> funtest(1,~,3)
 parse error:
   invalid use of empty argument (~) in index
 >>> funtest(1,~,3)

Any further insight is welcome.



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