Le 06/12/2019 à 14:14, Federico Miyara a écrit :


Thanks, I've filed the wish as http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16268.

Just a detail regarding the bugzilla interface: Any issue like this is called a "bug" and we have to accept this to complete the form.

No, from the beginning, you can set Importance = Wish, before validating and creating the bugzilla entry. You can set it also afterwards.

In the old ages, there were 2 distinct websites to reports bugs on one hand, and to report wishes on the other hand. But it was definitely not handy. This is why  this "Wish" value has been created and both sites have been merged.

Other values of the "Importance" flag can be set according to some quite simple rules (that are documented in the context).


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