Le 10/12/2019 à 10:47, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :

After thinking about it and after looking to other softwares, my proposition would be to concentrate on the set theoritic name + use parenthesis for details of storage

typeof(x)=="constant" && isreal(x)==%t && issparse(x)=%f : Real

typeof(x)=="constant" && isreal(x)==%f && issparse(x)=%f : Complex

typeof(x)=="constant" && isreal(x)==%t && issparse(x)=%t : Real (sparse)

typeof(x)=="constant" && isreal(x)==%f && issparse(x)=%t : Complex (sparse)

typeof(x)=="boolean" && issparse(x)=%f : Boolean

typeof(x)=="boolean" && issparse(x)=%t : Boolean (sparse)

For integers, since their use is rather specific to more advanced users, i suggest to display the storage type to differentiate them

type(x)==8 && inttype(x)==1 : Integer (int8)

type(x)==8 && inttype(x)==11 : Integer (uint8)

and so on...

   Looks good Stephane !



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