Hi all,

Within the development team we recently had a discussion about the improvement of cov() in terms of speed and memory requirement and about the opportunity of merging cov() and covar() wich are two disctinct macros. Since we did not manage to reach a consensus we thought it could be the occasion to have the opinion of members of this list which have a recognized academical/research knowledge in probability and statistics. Here are some elements to start the discussion. Let us start with covar() macro and what it actually computes:

* covar()

Let us start with a definition of covariance in general:


and with an example there:


In the two above links scalar/real variables are considered and in the second link discrete random variables are considered. In the example the covariance is computed knowing the possible values and their joint density. You can easily check in the source of covar() (type "edit covar") that, after normalizing the matrix of joint probabilities (named "frequencies" in the source), the macro computes the same value, which is confirmed by the result of the following statements:

--> x=[1 2];y=[1 2 3];fre = [1/4 1/4 0;0 1/4 1/4];covar(x,y,fre)
 ans  =


Please note that covar() output is always a scalar. Now let us consider cov():

* cov()

Here is a definition of the covariance matrix:


Here we consider vectors of random variables (not scalar random variables) and in this case the covariance is a matrix. When there is no a priori knowledge on these variables (when the joint density is not known, typically), the best you can do is, when you have samples of this random vector, is to compute an estimation of the covariance matrix, see e.g. he following page:


You can verify in actual code of cov() that this macro computes the same estimation (sums are vectorized).

We can summarize these facts this way:

* covar(x,y,fre) computes the scalar covariance of two discrete random variables knowing their possible values x(:) and y(:) and their joint probability density

* When x is a matrix, cov(x) computes an estimator of the covariance matrix of a vector X of size(x,2) random variables by using size(x,1) samples of this vector (each x(i,:) is a sample). if x and y are vectors of the same size, cov(x,y) is computed as cov([x(:) y(:)]).

To me, the main difference is that covar(x,y,fre) does not compute an _estimator_but a _exact value_. Of course, the vectors x and y can be the unique value of two random variables, gathered from samples (x,y) and "fre" be the empirical frequency of samples (x_i,y_j). In this case covar() will compute an estimation. For example, consider the two random variables X and Y, where X takes values {1,2} with equal probability, and Y=X+U where U takes values {0,1} with equal probability. We can use covar() to compute the exact covariance of X and Y, but if we only have samples, like in the below script, if we want to estimate the covariance with the same macro, then unique pairs have to be found and occurences counted in order to estimate the frequency :


[pairs,k]=unique(gsort([x y],'lr','i'),'r');


If you have a look to the results,

--> freq
 freq  =

   0.2526   0.2489   0.
   0.       0.2453   0.2532

--> N/(N-1)*covar(1:2,1:3,freq)
 ans  =


--> cov(x,y)
 ans  =

   0.2500182   0.249769
   0.249769    0.4995447

you can see that

1. we have considered the same random variables as in the example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance#Example 2. covar's output (up to the normalization to correct the bias) gives the off diagonal term of cov(x,y)

So, yes, off diagonal term of cov(x,y) and covar(x,y,fre) (up to unique pairs determination, computation of "fre" and bias correction) have the same value, but is it a reason to merge the two functions. I think that the answer is NO.

If you agree or disagree, feel free to continue the discussion in this thread.


Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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