For Kaplan turbine time simulation is 600s at least. Why the default time is
30 s ? Please program it at + infinity  that is 10000000 s.



De : Perrichon <> 
Envoyé : mardi 25 février 2020 16:57
À : 'Users mailing list for Scilab' <>
Objet : several problems with xcos scilab 6.1.0



Even if it is minor, apparently somebody has decided to define the time
simulation to 30 s by default. Why ? I don’t know

Before, it was 1.0E05 s and I stop the simulation with the END box in my
main scheme. (to avoid user to go on this menu and choose another solver, at
least). (choose is Newton for me , so the default one)

So I’ve hundred shemes to see


And this is not the first surprise.


Others tests don’t work anymore


I can do tests to correct that, but it was not foreseen.


I still believe to go on with 6.1.0 but keep aware because not so clear with


Pierre P.




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