You should start Scilab this way:

SCI_DISABLE_TK=1 SCI_JAVA_ENABLE_HEADLESS=1 _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Djava.awt.headless=true' bin/scilab-adv-cli

You will be able to use graphic commands (without visible output) and then export directy with e.g. xs2pdf.


Le 29/04/2020 à 14:51, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :
Hello All,

Here is a Covid19 & forced remote work issue.
One of my students has to run some of his simulations and generate png/svg figures on a linux workstation we don't have physical access to given the current lockdown.

The problem is that from his Windows laptop without X server, he cannot "ssh -YC" to the linux workstation but only "ssh -X". He thus only have access to "-nogui" or "-nwni" modes were all the graphics macros are deactivate.

Any of you ever faced a similar situation and found a solution?

Thanks in advance,


PS: it's a pity that scilab is not able to do real headless figure generation.

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Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
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